Jul 19, 2017

Teen Vogue Mag. Encourages The Sin Of Sodom For Children (Its True)

That's Why It Is Called Sodomy.
Where In Hell Will This End? In Its
Deepest, Darkest, Dirtiest Crevice.

There are not words to describe the exceeding depravity and depth of disgust we are now seeing unfold in our America. But it didn't develop over night. It grew out of small deviations which were "tolerated" as too insignificant to matter... by pastors, the press, law enforcement, government and then by the majority of our citizens. Even as weed seed are ignored in a vegetable garden, only to later see weeds take over the entire garden and produce even more seed.
The sad fact is that we citizens of the land of the free and home of the brave have allowed our nation to become the land of the vassal and home of the wimp. Yes, there is still a percentage of patriots, champions and committed Christians in this land, but we have allowed ourselves to become outnumbered by evolutionists, abortionists, homosexuals, Liberal socialists, atheists, agnostics, and one worlders. My own voice is weakening with age, but even a small spark can ignite the fuse to a very large explosion. God's word is just as powerful as ever, when it is delivered like an arrow to an evil target. Sodomy is second only to the abortion of innocence.

"... Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain (Sodom and Gomorrah), and pitched his tent toward Sodom. But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly." Gen.13:13.

This from FOX News Opinion by Todd Starnes

Teen Vogue defends teaching kids how to engage in sodomy

Teen Vogue is defending its decision to publish a graphic tutorial to anal sex for children and teenagers – calling critics homophobic.
“This is anal 101, for teens, beginners and all inquisitive folk,” author Gigi Engle wrote in “A Guide to Anal Sex.”
“Anal sex and anal stimulation can be awesome, and if you want to give it a go, you do that,” wrote Engle, a self-described sex educator. “More power to you.”
The original article did not include any references to practicing safe sex – but was later amended to include a line about condoms being “non-negotiable.”
“Here is the lowdown on everything you need to know about butt stuff,” the writer declared.
Parents across the nation became enraged upon learning that Teen Vogue wanted to turn their children in sexual deviants.
“I was truly flabbergasted,” Elizabeth Johnston said on The Todd Starnes Show. “They should not be teaching sodomy to our children.”
Johnston, known as The Activist Mommy, launched a national campaign to urge local stores and public libraries to pull Teen Vogue from bookshelves - #PULLTEENVOGUE.
“This is not a Republican issue or a Democrat issue. This is not a conservative issue or liberal issue. This is a parent issue,” she told me.
More than 10 million people have viewed a video of Johnston burning a copy of Teen Vogue in her backyard.
Phillip Picardi, the magazine’s digital editorial director, fired back in a flurry of tweets – culminating with a photo of him embracing another man while holding up his middle finger.
He said they had been “inundated with hate mail saying we promote sodomy and want teens to get AIDS.”
“How can you expect young women to not get pregnant without access to reproductive health care,” he tweeted.
Picardi then accused his Catholic school of being “guilty of endangering all of us by sheer omission of FACTS. EDUCATION doesn’t equal ENCOURAGEMENT.”
Well, I think we can all agree that Hell would freeze over before a Catholic school would teach children about anal sex.
Picardi then played the phobic-card – a favorite among liberals.
“The backlash to this article is rooted in homophobia,” he wrote. “It’s also laced in arcane delusion about what it means to be a young person today.”
“This has nothing to do with homophobia,” Ms. Johnston told me. “This is about parents protecting their children from perversion.”
Teen Vogue would have you believe it’s offensive for parents to be offended by the smut they are peddling.
And in their perverse world, the magazine’s editors would have you believe that a bunch of 12-year-olds are frolicking across the fruited plain having anal sex with Lord-knows-what.
Remember the good old days when kids just used to play spin the bottle?

Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary. His latest book is “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again.” Follow him on Twitter @ToddStarnes and find him on Facebook.

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