Aug 27, 2017

Here Are The Facts On Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Unjust Conviction And His Pardon

One of the most blatant, in your face crimes fomented, by force of the Democrat Obama, upon the American people is the case of America's Toughest Sheriff, Joe Arpaio of Arizona. This Sheriff was simply trying to "Enforce" Federal Law by arresting Illegal Aliens and deporting them back to Mexico, which Obama wouldn't allow done. Sheriff Joe was ordered by a Federal Court not to enforce those laws, but he did his best to enforce them anyway, was arrested, tried and convicted. Now, tell me which is greater, established Federal Law still in force or a Democrat Judges dislike for that Law?

President Trump chose the Law over the Judge this week and pardoned Sheriff Joe. Thank you, Mr. President. RB

Sheriff Joe Arpaio wins pardon from Trump

August 25, 2017 

President Trump granted a pardon to Joe Arpaio, the former sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., on Friday. 
Arpaio, 85, was recently found guilty of criminal contempt for defying a judge's order to stop traffic patrols that allegedly targeted immigrants. (Read this "Illegal Immigrants" RB)
Here is the original report on Sheriff Joe Arpaio before U.S. District Court Judge Susan R. Bolton, a Democrat and an appointee of Bill Clinton. He was found guilty. RB

Former Sheriff Arpaio back in court, this time accused of disobeying order on immigrants

The Washington Times - Monday, June 26, 2017
Arizona’s Joe Arpaio, once known as “America’s toughest sheriff,” was back Monday where has long been most at home — in the spotlight — although not for the reasons he would have preferred.
Months after losing his re-election bid, the 85-year-old former Maricopa County sheriff went on trial in Phoenix on misdemeanor criminal contempt-of-court charges, a case his foes have praised as long overdue and fans have denounced as a “political prosecution.”
Federal prosecutors argued that Mr. Arpaio willfully disobeyed a 2011 injunction barring him from enforcing federal immigration laws by detaining 170 suspected illegal aliens from December 2011 to May 2013.
After U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement refused to accept the suspects in 2012, the sheriff’s office tried a workaround by taking them to Border Patrol.
Defense attorney Jack Wilenchik called the prosecution of Mr. Arpaio “shameful and outrageous,” as reported by the Phoenix New Times.
Mr. Arpaio became a national figure during his 24 years as sheriff with headline-grabbing moves such as requiring prisoners to wear pink underwear and erecting a tent city for offenders.
The trial has gained national attention with the defense’s attempt to call Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a witness, which the Justice Department has resisted, saying Mr. Sessions was a senator during the relevant period and that the defense has failed to show extraordinary circumstances.
The proceedings, playing out before a packed courtroom, began on Monday with a victory for the prosecution: Hours beforehand, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Mr. Arpaio’s request for a jury trial.

Instead, the former lawman will have his fate decided by U.S. District Court Judge Susan R. Bolton, a Clinton appointee, in a trial expected to last eight days. If found guilty, Mr. Arpaio faces a maximum six months in jail.

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