Aug 19, 2017

Opposite Theory ... Devolution Not Evolution, Generation To Degeneration, Progression To Regression

Devolution Is Not As Hard To Prove As Evolution.

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." 2Tim.3:13.

Could it be the apes devolved from humans? We are not becoming less and less like them but more and more? We did not evolve from lower forms of life but are devolving, degenerating, into lower forms? Given enough time, will we all devolve into hairy, bearded monkeys with that big red bulbous thing on our rear ends? Then, finally into bugs? I suspect a guy I know is farther along to primate degeneracy than I. His arms and fingers are longer than mine. I caught him eating a banana and scratching himself recently. Eventually, we will all be monkeys... then tadpoles, fleas, lice, and flies. The human original state, before this long process of degradation into devolutionary regression, is beyond all human comprehension. But it is the only answer to human departure from the early origins of human life on earth. If we have been devolving all this time ... for many thousands, millions or billions of years, we had to have begun as some sort of miraculous (created by somebody) higher creatures who had to have had some likeness to our much higher intelligent, super duper, Designer. But all of us members of the Hi-Lo Devolutionist Denomination, know that is impossible ... Ha Ha Ha, that would mean there was a big, intelligent "Creator" back there at the beginning ... kinda like a "God" ... Ha Ha, how stupid can a PTBAM be? (Predestined To Be A Monkey). Yes, all of that, like evolution, is common nonsense.

To get back to Commonsensical though, it seems to be a Scientific fact, if the Science is correct, that all things physical, in the universe, are "running down". It is in fact "devolving" and "degenerating", including our bodies.    

The Scientific precept that all things are running down, The Second Law of Thermo Dynamics, confirms the "degeneration of original generation" concept. The Science Daily News Magazine reports the Australian National University as discovering that the universe is "30 times more run down than thought". That, I can believe. RB

This from the Science Daily News 

Universe Is 30 Times More Run Down 

Than Thought, Astronomers Find

Cars run out of petrol, stars run out of fuel and galaxies collapse into black holes. As they do, the universe and everything in it is gradually running down. But how run down is it? Researchers from The Australian National University have found that the universe is 30 times more run down than previously thought.
PhD student Chas Egan and Dr Charley Lineweaver from the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics have computed the entropy of the universe. Scientists compute entropy to find out how efficient an engine is or how much work can be extracted from a fuel or how run down and disordered a system is. Using new data on the number and size of black holes they found that the universe contains 30 times more entropy than earlier estimates.

So, since I have a choice, I am compelled to choose the generating power of Creation, and therefore a Creator, as humanity's true means of origin ... Rather than the theories of the Devilution or of Evolution of humanity. But Devolution, which is at least more logical than Evolution, is easier to prove by simple observation of people, than Evolution. While knowledge is increasing, wisdom and morality are not.

Even though the Universe may be "running down", believers in Jesus and Jehovah God are "looking up". RB

"After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter." Rev.4:1.

"Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 1Thess.4:17.


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