Sep 15, 2017

Hurricane Help Came First, Fast and Last From Christians

"... Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord." Lev.19:18.

God gave this foundational law, to His people on their dealings with their neighbors, in the Levitical Law, 1500 years before Christ repeated it in the New Testament ...
"...You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matt.19:19

So, when a lawyer asked Jesus about eternal life, the conversation went like this ...
"And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, 'Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?' He said to him, 'What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?' So he answered and said, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.'"
And He said to him, 'You have answered rightly; do this and you will live.'” Luke 10:25-28
And this is true. These are the actions, the works, that if done to perfection would earn a person eternal life. The only problem is that no human can live this to perfection, because of our sin nature.
But, a person who has repented of sin and believed on Jesus for cleansing and forgiveness, can then come as near living up to it as is humanly possible. Good works are a result of salvation, not its cause.  It is the ideal and perfect work upon which we Christians must set our hearts, to fulfill, with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit of God. Even as the good Samaritan did in Christ's illustration following the conversation above. Read it in Luke 10:29-37.

The point is, that charity given to those in need is not the God-given responsibility of government but is the God-given responsibility of Christ's Churches. The church I attend now has sent a truck-load of food, clothing, and necessities to those "neighbors" in South Texas who suffered great loss in Hurricane Harvey and thousands of other churches are sending relief to Florida, right now.
The church I pastored for 30 years in Tallahassee, Florida established and ran all kinds of missions, including Lighthouse Childrens' Home, Haven of Rest Rescue Mission, The Tallahassee Food Bank, a Mission Church in Mexico, a Christian TV Station, and three Christian Schools K-12, as well as world missions. We also helped thousands of needy individuals. Those things are part of the commission of Christ's churches. Help those who cannot help themselves and lead them to Jesus. If we don't do that, we do nothing worth mentioning.

This from The Washington Times
Christians Beat FEMA, And In So Doing, Tame Big Government

Just goes to show: Where charity exists, the government is not needed.
Look at this, from the Daily Caller: "Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes."
The piece cited USA Today, which ran a headline: "Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery, in coordination with FEMA."
Imagine that. When disaster strikes, it's Americans - specifically, Americans of faith - who lend the quickest hands, who provide the most assistance.
As USA Today noted, the Seventh Day Adventists took charge of disbursing bottles of water, diapers, clothing and other material needs.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief sent out the after-disaster work crews to help with cleanup - which includes everything from pulling mud from homes to assisting victims file their claims forms to government and insurance entities. The Convoy of Hope helped feed the masses, arriving on scene in the south with trucks upon trucks of food, even before Irma hit. Samaritan's Purse, the Rev. Franklin Graham's organization, brought everything from food to chainsaws. Post-storm, the same group will help victims rebuild their homes.
And while FEMA is on scene, too, it's the Christian groups and faith-based organizations who've taken the lead.
"FEMA, they have been a big blessing to us, they're an assistance to us," said Luther Harrison, vice president of North American Ministries at Samaritan's Purse, in USA Today. "For Hurricane Irma, the majority of our equipment across the border and FEMA was instrumental in helping us clear that with customs and getting all the paperwork done."
And perhaps most crucial to the cleanup is manpower - something the faith groups bring in droves. United Methodist, for example, has 20,000 or so trained volunteers around the nation, standing at the ready to serve as early responders. All they need is the call - all they need is to be activated - and they're there.
There's a critical point to note here, and it goes like this: Big Government types would have it believed that government, and only government, can save the citizens from disasters.
But before Big Government, there was the Citizenry.
And people who put God first, people who are committed to serving Jesus, people who are driven by a moral compass that comes from above, are the real doers and shakers and movers - the ones who see a need and respond. The Big Government types?F
They see a need and dial their lawmaker - call for a committee hearing - petition for a study. It's only after they navigate the hoops, and fill out the proper forms, they respond.
America's greatness was, is and always will be rooted in the fact that our rights come from God, not government. With that, comes a responsibility - that we conduct ourselves on an individual basis as if we believe in God. Bluntly put, it's what the founders believed; it's how they envisioned a moral and limited government not just shaping, but staying around a while. Happily, it's what a large portion of America's population today still believes.
But let's not miss the even bigger lesson that can be gleaned here. If you want to reel in government and curb the bureaucracy, you have to make the services government provides irrelevant. And the way to do that is provide them privately.
The way to a limited government is through a charitable citizenry.

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