Sep 12, 2017

New Calif/Democrat Remedy For Crime: Pay Their Gangs To Be Good

Snopes, in denying the outrageous fact, reported by Fox News, that The Sacramento, California City Council is contributing $1.5 million in "matching funds" to a charity called Advance Peace, to be paid to criminal gang members to not kill people and become good citizens, they had this to say in defence of this insane idea:

"On 1 September 2017, Fox News reported that the city of Sacramento was paying gang members $1.5 million out of its general fund to essentially bribe gang members to stop committing gun violence.  Although the program has generated local controversy, the broader Internet outrage seems to have started with an inaccurately-reported story published by Fox News, which reported:
FOX NEWS - Following a fatal shooting last weekend in a city park, the Sacramento city council unanimously approved a controversial program called Advance Peace in an effort to address a recent spike in violence. The program offers gang members cash stipends for graduating from school and generally staying out of trouble. ...The $1.5 million in cash stipends to gang members will come from the city’s general fund. A similar program is being used in Richmond, Calif., and Stockton is considering it. FOX NEWS

Snopes continues their defense...
"The idea of taxpayer money being paid to suspected criminals in exchange for said criminals to stop shooting each other is an easily-exploitable narrative for Internet outrage clicks, but it is not accurate. First off, according to Sacramento officials, the city is not the party paying the stipends — that money is being provided by the charitable organization Advance Peace via private donations. The city is providing matching funds for the organization to implement a gang intervention program over a three-year period. Further, gang members are not being handed money in exchange for not pulling the trigger. The stipend, which varies in the amount paid to each participant, is based on their commitment and success in the program.

So Snopes brands the Fox News story as  ...  
Mostly False

But then adds "What's True" and "What's False"...

The city of Sacramento has contracted with a charitable organization in a pilot program aimed at ending gun violence; the city will provide $1.5 million in matching funds over three years to implement the program.
The city is not paying $1.5 million out of its general fund to give stipends to gang members; the stipends are funded by private donations and it's not guaranteed that $1.5 million in stipends will be distributed.
That is six of one and half a dozen of the other. The city council is giving $1.5 million of tax money to the "charity" to match donor contributions to fund the program. So how does that differ from, as Snopes says, "handing it directly" to the criminal gang member? This is typical Democrat- Snopese verbalism. How does it legitimise the insane injustice of bribing criminals by passing the bribe through the hands of a bag-man charity to the criminals? 
Then Snopes adds a final insult to injury by pointing out that if the charity doesn't receive an equal amount from "donors" that "it's not guaranteed that $1.5 million in stipends will be distributed"  Typical Liberal Democrat way of thinking. This truly is bordering on some sort of insanity or simply devilish treachery. But what do you expect from a state that votes twice for Obama and then for Hillary Clinton the king and queen of illusion, evasion, and expert cover up? Snopes is no better by defending the idea as The Devil's Advocate. RB

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