Sep 18, 2017

The Rothschild "New World Order By 2018" Began With Banking

The so-called New World Order is not a new idea. The Banking World has been building it 50 years and publicly heralding it for 30 years. Every U.S. President since Bush#1 has promoted it ... except for Trump. But who knows what he will do. Everyone knows what Hillary would have done.

The first syllable in Rothschild (Roth) is an ancient German word meaning "red" referring to the spilling of blood by the warrior class of Germanic Deutsch soldiers. Therefore "Rothschild" means "the child of bloodshed". RB

This from

The Economist magazine published (in 1988) that there would be a world currency in place by 2018. Of course, the controlling interest of the magazine is held by the Rothschild family, who think of themselves as the legacy of the magazine. With this in mind, the Economist is operating as a quasi-propaganda arm for the banking empire and it is meant to prime the public opinion that the globalist agenda will implement. 

In the magazine, on January 9, 1988, it was said that "30 years from now people in the United States, Europe and the Japanese along with others in countries that are rich, will be paying for shopping using the same currency. The price of items will not be shown in yen, dollars or the great British pound, but in one currency. This currency is going to be favored by shoppers along with companies as it would be a great deal more convenient than the different currencies of today." The idea of a single currency back in 1988 seemed to be outlandish....

The national economic boundaries are very slowly dissolving and the trend is going to continue, and the appeal of the currency union is going to be hard to resist to everyone ... With the new single currency, the economic adjustment to the shift in relative prices is something that is going to occur smoothly, and it will happen automatically.... The new single currency would see constraints on national governments being tightened. There is not going to be such a thing as national monetary policy. The new currency supply would be fixed by a bank that was central. There would be a world inflation rate ...

With (this) new century... natural forces are going to keep pushing the world into economic integration....

A single currency might start out as a mixture of national currencies, and in time the value against the national currencies is not going to matter due to the fact that people are going to choose it as it is going to be a lot more convenient and there will be stability behind the purchasing power. In 1998, ten years later, the Economist printed another article promoting globalist agendas, One World, One Money. This was similar to the piece they had written ten years prior, and it went on to try to explain why a more controlled and centralized system is going to be beneficial to the global economy, while at the same time ignoring that a centralized global currency is going to be a huge coup for international banking cartels. It will also be the bottom line, financially, for the banking empire of the Rothschild family.

Creation of a single global currency is also going to give a great deal of geopolitical capital to international bankers that have not been elected, and it could take power away from the people of nations along with government representatives. But the question is whether or not anyone wants international bankers to have a huge amount of power, politically, on top of a lot of financial influence and the amount of sway they already have in power. People today want to have more say in their own lives and they do not want policy dictated by bureaucrats and banksters. 

The Rothschild family is keeping a profile that is very low in the public eye. However, they do still have many business operations, and these are spread out over a wide array of sectors. There is not any particular member of the Rothschild family seen on the richest list of Forbes, but the family is said to have control over more than 1 trillion dollars in assets worldwide. Therefore they do still have a voice that is strong over the entire geopolitical spectrum, and many see this as a hand that is hidden that manipulates events quietly in the background under a veil of secrecy. 

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