Sep 6, 2017

Triad Of China, Russia And North Korea Warn Us To Continue 66 Year Wasted Dialogue With N.K.

Which Is To Say, "Surrender To Communist Demands Or Else"

Don't miss the video at bottom of this page.

This from the U.K. Guardian
North Korean Nuclear Crisis; Putin  
Warns Of Planetary Catastrophe ...
As Kim Jong-Un Prepares Further Missile Launch

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has warned that the escalating North Korean crisis could cause a “planetary catastrophe” and huge loss of life, and described US proposals for further sanctions on Pyongyang as “useless”
Common Sense Commentary in blue is mine. RB
And they probably are "useless" since Russia and China have given and are giving North Korea everything they want to intimidate the United States into submission to the desires of Kim Jong-Un and his Communist partners China and Russia. This is their way of manipulating the U.S. and western world through a third party, North Korea, and avoiding the blame or repercussions upon themselves. 
Putin continued ... Ramping up military hysteria in such conditions is senseless; it’s a dead-end,” he told reporters in China. “It could lead to a global, planetary catastrophe and a huge loss of human life. There is no other way to solve the North Korean nuclear issue, save that of peaceful dialogue.”
It is North Korea who is "ramping up military hysteria" and
so called "Peaceful dialogue" is the very thing which brought us to this inextricable dilemma. All these previous presidents, including Bill Clinton, the two Bushes and especially Obama, passed the buck or kicked the can down the road. We are
now at the end of the road with the present insane threat of destruction from Kim Jong-Un. Trump has been left holding the bag and a shipload of poisonous worms. Nothing he can do will untangle this 66-year mess our politicians have allowed, by cowardly appeasement, which they continue to call "peaceful dialogue". Previous administrations have begged, pleaded and paid off North Korea to "please leave us alone" while they continued to develop nuclear bombs and ICBMs with Chinese and Russian help. While our majority Left-wing, Socialist politicians paid the Communist ransom demands and tip-toed through the graveyard of the Korean War. Now the North Koreans could knock out our electric grid system with one small nuclear air burst 200 miles up and paralyze the nation.
The UK article continues... On Sunday, North Korea carried out its sixth and by far its most powerful nuclear test to date. The underground blast triggered a magnitude-6.3 earthquake and was more powerful than the bombs dropped by the US on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the second world war.
Trump and Congress are now damned if they do and damned if they don't. If they again appease these Communists, it will be under duress and will only weaken our position like paying off the school bully to not eat your lunch. From then on your lunch is his along with anything else he wants from you. If our brave leaders decide to drop a small nuclear bomb over Pyongyang,  they would probably knock out Seoul's grid system as well, since Seoul and Pyongyang are only 121 air miles apart. Besides that, they no doubt have missile sites in other places, and maybe on submarines. It might also bring China and Russia into a war, which, at this point of weakness and disarray, we could not win ... with Muslims already eating our lunch and the nation divided. It would be impossible to knock out all of the enemy ICBMs coming our way. We may not even be able to stop North Korea's. But, there isn't much choice except to leave it in the hands of our military and nuclear experts and pray for God's intervention. One thing is sure; we don't want a ground war with those three nations. They have endless numbers of expendable soldiers. The best resolution to this crisis, since Kim Jong-Un is not likely to become a Christian, is for God to kill him or assign one of his body guards to do the job. Or maybe a swarm of hell-fire drones.

Dr. Peter Pryon of U.S. EMP Commission on Lou Dobbs 

 Dr. Peter Pry, chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission, on North Korea’s claim that they have successfully tested a ballistic missile that can carry a nuclear warhead.
It is also thought that there is an "Improved EMP" developed by the Russians which was given to the North Koreans.  Our hardened sites may not stand the "Improved" version.

The video of this interview 

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