Oct 25, 2017

Democrats Accuse Trump Of The Treason They Themselves Are Guilty Of

And the "Main Street Media" Swallows It Hook, Line, And Sinker

This from "Side Street Media" TheNewAmerican

Russian Collusion? Yep, But It Was 

Clinton/Obama, Not Trump

With all of the focus on the alleged (yet never demonstrated, much less proved) connections between President Trump and Russia over the past year, the liberal mainstream media have bent over backward to keep the attention off of the demonstrable (and likely soon to be proved) connections between Hillary Clinton and Russia. New reports may make it impossible to continue that ruse.  

Hillary Clinton got quite a bit of political play out of calling Trump “Putin’s puppet” during debates and throughout the election cycle. In the end, though, her attacks missed their mark and she missed the necessary votes to secure the White House and the advent of a Clinton 2.0 presidency — an administration that would certainly have continued (and escalated) the corruption of the Clinton 1.0 presidency. 

Newly released information confirms that it is Hillary Clinton — as secretary of state — and not Trump, who can be shown to be “Putin’s puppet. The Hill, Fox News, Newsweek, and others are reporting that a deal between Clinton’s State Department and Russian interests that transferred 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russian control involved bribery, collusion, and coverup. And Clinton’s fingerprints are all over it.

The Hill Confirms FBI Evidence: 

Deep Investigation Proves Treason, 

Corruption Of The Highest Order

Sources: Salon – New York Times – TIME – 
Politico – The Hill – Daily Caller

Before we skim the surface of what may very well be the largest exposure of political corruption in modern American history, let’s take a trip back to the summer of 2016 before the fateful election. 

As Hillary and her campaign began to realize that their original “pied piper” strategy had completely backfired and helped launch Trump towards even more exposure, something else was happening: the well-known FBI investigation into Clinton led by Director James Comey. 

On July 5th at a Press Conference in Washington, Comey went before the press, America, and the world to declare Hillary acquitted of all charges, even after confirming she was “extremely careless”. The main, clearly-visible problem with the decision deals with the definition of intent in our legal system. 

Never before has intent been written into the consideration for guilt. Why? Intent is difficult to prove. No one ever announces that “on this date, I intend to break the law”–it just doesn’t happen like that. When is the last time you saw a criminal openly admit to a crime they were about to commit before they did so? 

Because of this, Congress and the legislative branch of government ensure that gross negligence is not allowed to form as a statute in the written law. And so when something as egregious as Clinton’s dealings come to light, it leads to a real prosecution and closes the verbal loophole to make sure “I didn’t mean to” doesn’t hold up in court. 

But as we all watched, Hillary Clinton was set free, enjoying a statute that was never actually codified into law. 

Keep track of the timeline; it’s very important here. In July is when the FBI announcement was made. The end of July and beginning of August is when the allegations of Trump-Russian ties began to hit the mainstream media hard. 

Also important to keep in mind is Clinton’s use of a special tool to “bleach” her email server to ensure nothing could ever be found on it again. Common sense may reason that this move was odd given her claims that it contained only “personal” emails relating to her daughter’s wedding and yoga. Republican Representative confirmed this on August 25th as reported by Politico. 

With all of the previous important pieces still in mind, fast forward to the early morning hours of today, 20 October. Daily Caller released an explosive report backed by The Hill’s investigation released only a day earlier. 

The details of Daily Caller’s report are literally shocking—and for a word that is used far too often—it really is almost too hard to believe. Here are the key facts, straight to the point: 

The FBI confirmed that Russian Intel had targeted Clinton prior to and during her time as Secretary of State Clinton’s direct spokesperson denied these allegations—a direct lie to the press Clinton opposed the Magnitsky Act of 2012 that was attempting to place Sanctions on officials tied to Putin’s inner circle The FBI arrested 10 Russian agents involved in the spy ring tied to Clinton on June 28th One day later, Bill Clinton received $500,000 from a Kremlin investment bank for an hour-long talk in Moscow, Next, Clinton moved rapidly to release 10 Russian spies captured by the FBI before they could be investigated or even stand trial As the FBI was conducting the investigation of Russian involvement in Uranium One, Hillary approved the Sale to Russia’s nuclear weapons agency $145,000,000 then flowed into the Clinton Foundation The bottom line is both simple and terrifying at the same time. 

The Democrats, after realizing that Trump might actually win, launched a full-on Trump-Russia media campaign to tie Putin and then Presidential Candidate Trump together in the public’s eye. 

But why would they pick Russia? They could have picked anything to attack Trump with. 

Because Hillary was actually the one involved with Russia. To their credit, Democrat establishment officials knew the best way to hide the fact that Hillary and Russia were in bed, was to stir up the idea that it was actually Trump instead. 

The angle? If anyone tried to point at Hillary and Russia, the media could easily pivot to say “Well didn’t you see Trump’s connections to Russia? That’s much worse! Trump is a Nazi Russian!” 

The American public got played by the mainstream media—hard. 

When is the real FBI investigation into Clinton and the Obama Administration going to happen? The American People are waiting. 

Sources: Salon – New York Times – TIME – Politico – The Hill – Daily Caller

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