Oct 15, 2017

Design Of One World Religion On The Drawing Board

Men sit in the architect's chair, but Satan's hand holds the pen...

There is a huge, diabolically designed, global pattern developing which reveals the use of world turmoil, war and confusion to simultaneously prompt efforts by world bankers, socialistic politicians, rogue scientists, high tech geniuses, famous authors, and worldly religious leaders to the singular purpose of this "New World Order". One World Law, One World Government, One World Medicine, One World Currency, One World Salary, and One World Religion... without Jehovah. It will be a "religion" composed primarily of the two largest counterfeits of Christianity, Islam and Catholicism. Both contain reverse, mirror image contradictions of sound Bible doctrine.... a false church, a false bible, false prophets, a false salvation, a false hope, a false gospel, a false messiah, a false heaven, a false hell and a false god. 

Here is an allusion to ... or an illusion of ... an eventual One World Religion. This worldview will, no doubt play a part of the final version of One World Religion ...
This from Yahoo News and Reuters, by Douglas Busvine

Collective Consciousness to replace God says author Dan Brown

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Humanity no longer needs God but may with the help of artificial intelligence develop a new form of collective consciousness that fulfills the role of religion, U.S. author Dan Brown said on Thursday.

Brown made the provocative remark at the Frankfurt Book Fair where he was promoting his new novel, "Origin", the fifth outing for (fictional character) Harvard "symbology" professor Robert Langdon, the protagonist of "The Da Vinci Code", a book that questioned the history of Christianity.
"Origin" was inspired by the question "Will God survive science?", said Brown, adding that this had never happened in the history of humanity.
"Are we naive today to believe that the gods of the present will survive and be here in a hundred years?" Brown, 53, told a packed news conference.
"Origin" opens with Langdon arriving at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao for an announcement by a reclusive billionaire futurist that promises to "change the face of science forever".
Brown, who has sold 200 million books in 56 languages, admitted to not having read a novel in five years. But he investigated deeply and spent a lot of time talking to futurists to come up with the storyline for "Origin".
He recognized that his views may not be welcomed by clerics, but called for greater harmony between the world's great religions and those who profess no faith.
"Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all share a gospel, loosely, and it's important that we all realize that," he said. "Our religions are much more similar than they are different."
Turning to the future, Brown said technological change and the development of artificial intelligence would transform the concept of the divine.
"We will start to find our spiritual experiences through our interconnections with each other," he said, forecasting the emergence of "some form of global consciousness that we perceive and that becomes our divine".
"Our need for that exterior god, that sits up there and judges us ... will diminish and eventually disappear.
You might say, "That is just one man's opinion". True, but you must remember 200 million people have bought his books and shared them with others... and in 56 different languages. I think that reflects a very large world following. RB

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