Oct 6, 2017

Here Is The Man Who Can Drain Puerto Rico's Swamp

There you have it. A pigsty in paradise. An island territory of the U.S., in the Caribbean Sea, with all the assets of a potential Shangri-la ... except, like Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Baltimore, etc., it has a corrupt Democrat government. It wasn't Hurricanes Irma and Maria that destroyed Puerto Rico, it was a political Hurricane named "Mass Corruption". The hurricanes were simply God's erasers rubbing out the mess Liberal, Socialistic, corrupt, and inept Democrats have made of a perfectly wonderful opportunity in beautiful Puerto Rico.

You couldn't find a location on this earth with more of the latent potential on the island of Puerto Rico. I was once in Puerto Rico with the Marine Corps. I had never seen such picturesque scenes, palm trees, pristine jungles and beaches, crystal clear aqua seas, delicious and inexpensive seafood and Humble, friendly people. Simple, poor and unsophisticated people are often led astray by perverted, Pied Piper politicians promising free everything ... "if you will vote for me". Democrats do very well, Politically, in such an environment, but eventually, they run out of other people's tax money and the city or territory or country goes broke. Which Puerto Rico is and was... before Irma and Maria came ashore with a vengeance. Texas and Florida could rebuild themselves even without Federal assistance, but the government officials of Puerto Rico will misuse, and misdirect to themselves, most of the financial assistance the U.S. sends down there.

The government of Puerto Rico has set a trend, by example, of crime. That must be reversed. What Puerto Rica really needs is a revolution of awakened responsibility, purging of corrupt leaders, arising of a fed up electorate to kick the bums out and start from scratch building a vibrant, country with all new, high tech infrastructure to attract producers, businesses, and tourists. Puerto Rico could be the best place for investment, manufacturing, retirement, and vacations... in the world... except for its third world government of duly elected crooks. 

Jorge Rodriguez, 49, is the Harvard-educated CEO of PACIV, an international engineering firm based in Puerto Rico that works with the medical and pharmaceutical sectors. The Puerto Rican-born engineer says he has dispatched 50 engineers to help FEMA rehabilitate the devastated island — a commonwealth of the United States — after Hurricane Maria. He refuses to work with the local government, which he called inept and riddled with corruption. 

Joege L. Rodriguex

Modal Trigger Jorge L. Rodriguez:  "For the last 30 years, the Puerto Rican government has been completely inept at handling regular societal needs, so I just don’t see it functioning in a crisis like this one. Even before the hurricane hit, water and power systems were already broken. And our $118 billion debt crisis is a result of government corruption and mismanagement. 

The governor Ricardo Rossello has little experience. He’s 36 and never really held a job and never dealt with a budget. His entire administration is totally inexperienced and they have no clue how to handle a crisis of this magnitude. 

For instance, shortly after the hurricane hit, the government imposed a curfew from 6 pm to 6 am and then changed it. Now, it’s 7 pm to 5 am and makes no sense. The curfew has prevented fuel trucks from transporting their loads. These trucks should have been allowed to run for 24 hours to address our needs, but they have been stalled, and so we have massive lines at gas stations and severe shortages of diesel at our hospitals and supermarkets. 

I’m really tired of Puerto Rican government officials blaming the federal government for their woes and for not acting fast enough to help people on the island. Last week I had three federal agents in my office and I was so embarrassed; I went out of my way to apologize to them for the attitude of my government and what they have been saying about the US response. When the hurricane hit we had experts from FEMA from all over the US on the ground and I was really proud of their quick response. The first responders and FEMA have all been outstanding in this crisis, and should be supported. 

I have 50 engineers that I have sent out pro bono to help local companies get back on their feet. This includes getting people gasoline and cash and helping them connect to others that can assist with repairs without delays. 

I won’t allow my people to work with the local government. 

I have a message for the U.S. Congress: Watch out what relief funds you approve and let our local government handle. Don’t let the Puerto Rican government play the victim and fool you. They have no clue what they are doing, and I worry that they will mishandle anything that comes their way." 
_________There's your man_________RB

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