Oct 17, 2017

World Often Changed By One Action Of One Person

Jesus Christ was the one person in all of history who changed the entire world the most, for the best, and inspired innumerable others, one at a time throughout history, to ride the waves of that single change to a continuum of holy change. Other single actions, of world-changing persons, for good and for bad, have arisen, often without rhyme or reason. Like a spark in the night, the fuse of change is ignited. That tiny spark barely touches an almost unseen fuse which in turn sputters down the little string to ignite a single stick of dynamite in a case of them, in a warehouse full of them, in a city full of wooden houses. Chicago was burned in a huge, firestorm conflagration resulting from Mrs. Oleary's minuscule match which lighted her lantern's insignificant wick. Kicked over by her cow, that little, unimpressive flame ignited the hay, which igniting the barn, which igniting the city, made history and changed thousands of lives.

There have been many such incidents, of one person, often obscure, whose word or action set off a chain reaction of good or destruction. It was such a person who ignited the fuse of the First World War.

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie occurred on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo when they were mortally wounded by Gavrilo Princip. Princip was a member of the Black Hand secret society. The political objective of the assassination was to break off Austria-Hungary's South Slav provinces. That assassination led to the First World War when Austria-Hungary subsequently issued an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia, which was partially rejected. Austria-Hungary then declared war, triggering actions leading to war between most of the other European states and then the United States. 16 million people died (worldwide) in World War 1, including about 10 million military personnel and about 7 million civilians. One man's single action set it off.

And then there was Colin Kaepernick, the injury prone, second-string quarterback whose big chance had arrived. 
So, at the game, his inner demons dared him to demonstrate his disappointments and bitterness toward those he blamed for his undistinguished career and perceived injustice ... white Americans, the nation, its flag, its Constitution, its National Anthem. So when the Star Spangled Banner began, and the thousands there in the stadium stood, faced the flag, and put their right hands over their hearts, with their hopes on Colin, he dropped to one knee and rejected his nation. That was the spark that lit the fuse, the trigger, the middle finger to the nation that set off the NFL player's rejection of the nation which gave them their open door to success, wealth, and fame. And nobody yet knows where it will end. Its future depends on the NFL elitist's decision, the owner's actions or inaction and the player's willingness to swallow their pride and honor this nation. The nation which gave them the opportunity, and the fans who, in the final analysis, pay their salaries to play football on the field, not demonstrate their hatred.

You too are one person. You too can change the world to some degree, small or large, by accepting God's will for your life and stepping through His door of opportunity. If you influence just one person to accept Christ, you will have changed the world and eternity for that person, their family, associates, and maybe thousands eventually. Make your life, your words and actions count for good... not for bad.

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