Nov 18, 2017

Historic Football Field Sized Bible Implanted Near The Heart Of WashingtonDC

Praise God For The Hobby Lobby Christian Owners
 Implanted Pacemaker In The Chest Of Dying Patient

This from Family Policy Alliance

Impressive Museum of the Bible Opening in Washington, D.C.

Just two blocks off the National Mall, within walking distance of the U.S. Capitol and the sprawling Smithsonian Institution, The Museum of the Bible will open its doors to the public on November 17.
Members of the Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, are the driving force behind the 430,000-square-foot Museum. You may recall, they challenged pro-abortion aspects of Obamacare all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court – and won. It was a precedent-setting, religious-freedom victory for every Christian family-owned business in the nation.
No doubt, visitors who just finished strolling through the Museum of Natural History or the Air & Space Museum will have extremely high expectations when they step through the enormous main entrance to the Museum.
By all accounts, those expectations will be met – and exceeded.
Even the reliably liberal Washington Post praised the exceptional quality of the architecture, the exhibits, and the technology – acknowledging it sets a Smithsonian-challenging standard. Not surprisingly, in the midst of those accolades, the Post maintained its establishment-media snark:
The Bible Museum has come to town, in all its technical splendor, bearing with it something that most historians and museum professionals may have thought was long discredited: the “master narrative” idea of history, that there is one sweeping human story that needs to be told, a story that is still unfolding and carrying us along with it. It tells this seductive story well, in many places with factual accuracy, and always with an eye to clarity and entertainment. It is an exciting idea and an enormously powerful tool for making sense of the world.
Unless, of course, you don’t believe it.
Please add our names to the list of people who actually do believe it.
The Museum of the Bible underscores in great detail, with original artifacts, remarkable transparency, and even-handedness, why the Bible is true, reliable and worth our time to study. We are all, indeed, living within God’s larger story for humanity.
LEARN MOREConnect with the Museum of the Bible on the WebFacebook and Twitter.
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