Nov 22, 2017

The infectious Contagion Of Sexual Accusation Sweeping The Nation

Some of it is true, some is not. God knows! That is where the buck stops, the truth reigns, and perfect justice His throne. 

It is so ironic and almost laughable, how the Liberal Democrats start accusing a Conservative of "sexual harassment" when the king of sexual harassment, their adored champion, Bill Clinton was defended by them and left in office because of their support. Then, recently, they viciously attacked a Republican for sins less than Bill's, and, their accusation, like a fuse on a box of dynamite, ignited a dozen explosions under Democrat politicians and spreads the conflagration to dozens more of their most loyal, power-house, financial supporters, movie moguls, and journalists. As the myriad of explosions multiplies, the Democrats up their hysterical accusations to include every Conservative in the public eye, who ever smiled at a woman, guilty or not. Which is not to say all Republicans are innocent.

It must be divine justice that Liberals never seem to learn the age-old lesson that what goes around comes around and you reap what you sow. Mothers teach their children that when you point a finger at your brother, the other three fingers are pointing back at you. This seems to be a hard lesson for gossips, liars, and accusers to learn. Many a thief or murderer has been arrested because when they informed on a former accomplice, the former friend or an abused girl-friend, comes in to inform something far worse on them. Why they never seem to remember what those former friends remember, about them, is a mystery of criminality.

So go ahead, Liberal Democrats, sow all those tare seeds in your Conservative neighbor's wheat fields, but you will be the ones who have to eat what is not wheat.

The same principle is true for all of us in relation to our casual, derogatory remarks about those we know something secret about, or what someone said about someone, and we repeated it. You had better think deeply about what the person you gossip about might know about you that you didn't know he knew... or forgot. You might feel really superior about exposing or just gossiping about him/her but later have to eat the crop of the bushel of tare seeds you sowed .... when they tell something much worse about you. So don't cry too hard ... you deserve the pain. 

The forest fire sweeping men out of their jobs or offices will just have to burn itself out. Some of them will not be nearly so bad as their accusers, but though it is unfair, collateral damage has always been a side effect of war, and this is a spiritual war for the soul of our nation.

Christ's parable of the wheat and tares is planted in Matt. 13:25-40

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