Nov 13, 2017

You've Seen The Fake News. Here Is What Is Really Being Done In Puerto Rico

An Immense Amount Of US Action...

I am not a great fan of Donald Trump, but compared to the Obamas and Clintons, he is a true blue all American patriot. I only know what I have heard from him, discovered from research, or seen on the fake news networks. Most of what they report about Trump and his family is ungrounded, unproven or obviously untrue. But oddly, Obama and the Clintons are so plainly liars and thieves that anyone with an ounce of honesty or good sense can see it. RB

FYI:  Here's a different perspective than what the news is telling us....Good to hear about what is really being done for a change...... from someone who is there helping the people of Puerto Rico.

This is from a guy who is there in Puerto Rico and what he has to say about what is going on ... I am so sick of fake news just to bash the President who has enough personal flaws without lying about him with every breath. 

 William Sisko with Charity Munoz in Puerto Rico: 
"I got online for the first time in days and one of the very first things I saw was an out and out lie about the government's response to the crisis I am in the middle of. I don't care if you hate or love Trump, using the crisis in Puerto Rico to spread political lies is disgusting! I am literally across the street from the airport, and the hotel I am in is where many of the first responders are staying, so here is what is going on from someone who is actually here seeing it. The government is here and has been here! Every single day plane after plane full of FEMA, FBI, homeland security, Army, Air Force, Marines, and extra police officers from all over the country show up. Cargo plane after cargo plane and ship after ship full of supplies shows up. There is a hospital ship off the coast that I can see from the beach. The response was quick and it keeps coming! They are out every day from sun up until sundown. This isn't a political issue, it is a humanitarian one. The lies being spread about the response aren't helping the people here, it is just fueling hate based on lies! If you want to help Puerto Rico, donate money or supplies and pray. If you want to play politics find something else to argue about! Not like there aren't hundreds of topics for you to choose from!" Roads have been completely destroyed in many areas, especially the remote ones. The military and FEMA are going out to these places on foot with 100 lbs + packs on their backs. It is requiring them to cut their way through swamp flooded areas to get there. It will take time to reach everyone when conditions are as bad as they are. President Trump dispatched 140 helicopters, 28 ships, 6 Army field hospitals, 3 Navy Seabee Battalions, 5 US Army Combat Engineer Battalions, 3 Civil Affairs battalions, 2 Nuclear Submarines capable of generating 2.8 Gigawatts of Power, release 300,000 tons of food, medical supplies, and water from Military stocks to Puerto Rico... Please stop touting the party line of bashing our President when his actions have been excellent for the island. There's been a string of 4 horrendous Hurricanes, it's going take some time. But you Democrats' immature comments devoid of any facts don't help a single person on the island. No President has had to face this level of domestic disasters and done a better job. Trump is America's President.

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