Jan 10, 2018

Only In America

Founded as a Christian Nation!

OCTOBER 26, 1774, the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts reorganized their defenses with one-third of their regiments being "Minutemen," ready to fight at a minute's notice. 

These citizen soldiers drilled on the parade ground, many times led by a deacon or pastor, then went to church for exhortation and prayer. 

The Provincial Congress charged:

"You...are placed by Providence in the post of honor, because it is the post of danger...

The eyes not only of North America and the whole British Empire but of all Europe, are upon you.

Let us be, therefore, altogether solicitous that no disorderly behavior, nothing unbecoming our character as Americans, as citizens and Christians, be justly chargeable to us."

The Provincial Congress issued a Resolution to Massachusetts Bay, 1774:

"Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual...

Continue steadfast, and with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us."

In 1967, after 14 years in a Communist prison in Romania, Rev. Richard Wurmbrand stated:

"America is the hope of every enslaved man because it is the last bastion of freedom in the world.

Only America has the power and spiritual resources to stand as a barrier between militant Communism and the people of the world.

_________________________ And yet Liberal Americans still claim America was not founded and settled primarily by Christians. But that is not surprising considering all of their other false claims ... about everything. RB

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