Mar 4, 2018

Liberal's War Against Boys Is Obliterating Manhood

Why are there numerous "Women's Rights" organizations but not one recognizable "Men's Rights" organizations?

And why are there scores of "Black Rights" movements, but no real "White Rights" waves crashing against our shores one after the other?

And so are there dozens of "Gay Rights" movements "moving on"  into the mainstream but not one "Heterosexual Rights" group demanding equal treatment under the law for the majority?

And why do those Women's, Black, and Gay Rights organizations blame all their grievances on those white, straight, normal, men who have no such groups defending them and demanding fairness? The reason may be that those guys are so busy working, paying taxes and going over bills that they don't have time to demonstrate and raise cane in the streets.

How long since you saw white, straight, men march on Washington demanding "equal justice under the law", for white guys?

So, if the Liberal whiners haven't done enough permanent castrating damage to America's men, they have expanded their desexing of manhood's masculinity ... with a war on boys, while they are still too young to fight back. Many boys are already acting ashamed they are not more like girls. RB

Here is one of the best coverages of this subject I have seen...
From Prager University who has just been dumped by social media because of articles and videos covering issues like the one below.

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