Apr 15, 2018

Raising Kids Requires A Pound Of Grace For Every Ounce Of Effort

Successful Parenting Is Impossible Without God's Help

If you succeed, these days, in raising a teenager to twenty without them getting killed, pregnant, addicted, or dying of adolescent affliction, you either prayed more than Mother Teresa, or you are one of God's miracle workers. Either way a constant up-flow of prayer and down-flow of God's grace is imperative. It is a spiritual battle to keep a Christian child growing spiritually strong in today's worldly atmosphere of "everything goes", whoever, whenever, wherever, however and why ever. Do your own thing. Live life your way is the rule. If it feels good...do it. Let yourself go. Be you. Get while the gettin's good. No limits. No tears. No fears. No regrets.  Everything Christian is out of date. Christians are the bad guys. Homosexuals are gay, sweet and "just in love". Abortion is "freedom of choice". Right to life is unreasonable and evil. It is the "ME" generation. I saw a news brief in which the cop asked the teenage boy, "Why did you kill that old man?" To which the young thug answered, "He ain't never done nuthin fo me." I guess that doesn't count the old man paying taxes all his life so that killer's 3 generations of his family could live on welfare and never even seek a job or pay taxes.

How did our nation get in this impossible dilemma of hellish contradiction? How can we Christians ever turn it around and at least get America back on track? Our only hope is the Blessed Hope. Our only power is the Holy Spirit. Our highest calling is worship, prayer, faithfulness, consistency and witnessing God's truth to the world.

Isaiah, the prophet of God, recognized, in his day, the the same problems we have and blamed it on his nation's sins....

"Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward."

So, when we do the same thing ... why do we expect a different result?

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