Apr 18, 2018

U.S. Direction Could Be Determined In AZ, NV, TX

Take a friend and vote early Nov.6 ... Especially in Arizona, Nevada and Texas. Yes, that is 7 months from now, but the "RIGHT" people won't be elected on Election Day but in the 7 months of work leading up to it.

Keep our country heading in the "right" direction for out children's sake. If its not too late already.

OK, so the Texas, Liberal Democrat, Beto, is prettier than Conservative, Republican Ted Cruz. But, that's the way 16 year old boys pick a girlfriend. And that's the way a city-slicker picks a horse. But this ain't a High School dance or a horse show. Its a dance with the devil and a race to the finish line or renewal line of the U.S. Constitution and Freedom. We Conservative Christians can't take politics for granted any more. Politics is another word for either our liberty or an evil tyranny. Our united vote will determine which kind of "politics" we get... RIGHT or what's LEFT after the vultures leave.

Ted Cruz, though slow to give his support to the most Conservative candidate in the 2016 Presidential (and Vice Presidential) election, is, nevertheless by far the best man for the office he holds as U.S. Senator from Texas. He has fought the Liberals, Democrat and Republican, ever since he was elected in 2012. That is why the Liberal, Socialist Establishment of both parties hate him so and though Cruz is more accepted by Texans than Beto O'Rourke, the Liberals have given twice as much campaign money to Beto  than Conservatives have to Cruz. 

This IS a horse-race, in that Cruz is running a horse whisker  ahead of the Democrat ... with half the campaign donations. The Democrats are desperate to defeat Cruz and thereby neutralize Conservative content and control of the U.S. Senate.

Here is what is happening in Texas which may change the direction our Nation goes...

 From The Hill News
Poll: Cruz running neck and neck with Dem challenger

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is in a statistical dead heat with Rep. Beto O'Rourke (Texas), his Democratic challenger, a poll released Wednesday showed.
The first Quinnipiac University poll of the race deemed it too close to call. Cruz leads O'Rourke by 3 percentage points - 47 to 44 percent - which falls within the margin of error.
Eighty-seven percent of Democrats said they support O'Rourke's bid to replace Cruz, according to the poll, while 88 percent of the state's Republicans said they back the incumbent.
Forty-six percent of Texas voters view Cruz favorably, while 44 percent who view him unfavorably, the poll found. By comparison, 30 percent of voters view O'Rourke favorably, 16 percent view him unfavorably and 53 percent said they don't know enough about him to form an opinion.
O'Rourke has drummed up significant momentum in his race to unseat Cruz and become Texas's first Democratic U.S. senator in more than two decades.
He reported a fundraising haul of $6.7 million in the first three months of 2018, compared to Cruz, who reportedly raised $3.2 million in the same time period.
President Trump won Texas in the 2016 election with 53 percent of the vote, while Democrat Hillary Clinton received roughly 43 percent of the vote.
It seems impossible that 43% of voting Texans wanted Hillary, but that's not the first rabid rabbit Satan has pulled out of his hat. RB

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