May 27, 2018

A Word May Have An Eternity Of Different Meanings

Words Reflect The Speakers Understanding Not the Hearers

The word "different" has a thousand connotations. It can mean anything from a dispute to a perverted concept of "love". It can mean a change, a distinction, a dissimilarity, or hundreds of other contrasts.  Error is "different" from the truth by 190 degrees though it might be thought true and embraced as true or even worshiped.

When a Muslim says he worships God, he is not saying he worships Jehovah, the God of the Bible, the God of the Jews and Christians. He is speaking of the Moon god, Allah, who is as opposite to Jehovah God as the Muslim Quran is opposite to the Holy Bible, God's word. 

Historians, linguists, and archaeologists have dug into this question for over a century. Various archaeological digs in Arabia and throughout the Middle East have uncovered the answer: Islam is a modern version of the ancient fertility religion of the moon god. Once this is grasped, the rise and history of Islam becomes clear. The Arab conquests were made possible because the central powers in the Middle East had exhausted themselves in wars against each other. They were not able to fight off wave after wave of Arab armies which subdued entire nations with merciless slaughter, rape and plunder. (Chick Publications)

That is the god of the Muslims and not Jehovah, THE GOD, worshiped by Jews and Christians, of whom Jesus said...   "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." 

There must be a thousand other examples of the same word being spoken by two different people but meaning an eternity of difference. So the meanings of two person's words spoken exactly the same, word for word, may be as different as night and day. That it is possible for so many people to simply assume that Muslims and Christians worship the same god/God is one more revelation of the spiritual blindness that leads unbelievers into the ditch on both sides of the narrow way of truth. So what can be most effective in helping those spiritually blind, but confident "religionists" headed for the ditch? Don't argue with them but set the example by walking the truth of THE God, Jehovah, as you know Him through Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible. 

Jesus said...   "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." Matt.15:14.

Also, guard your words, be clear, concise and keep God's truth as simple as possible. Use examples that unbelievers understand to illustrate the spiritual truths they do not understand. We are not medical doctors who use the thousand medical terms of their "secret" linguistic, society of physical healers. Our job is not to be abstract or to impress the hearers with our vocabulary, but to be clearly understood when we speak of "God". 

In a recent linguistic competition held in London and attended by, supposedly, the best linguists in the world, Samdar Balgobin, a Guyanese man, was the clear winner with a standing ovation which lasted over 5 minutes. 

The final question was: How do you explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand? 
Some people say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED. He won the competition with an illustration and clear, concise words which everyone understood. 

Here is his astute answer: 

"When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. When you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED. And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!!!" 

He won a trip around the world and a case of 25-year old Scotch.

I'll take the trip but give the scotch to some poor blind stumblers over there in the ditch, or better yet pour it in the ditch. RB

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