May 18, 2018

Mueller Fesses Up... Can't Indict Trump

After Spending A Year And Tens Of Millions Of Our Tax Dollars Trying To

Now turn the tables and indict that long list of Democrats everyone knows is guilty.

This headline from Washington Times...

Since Mueller can’t indict Trump, what’s he doing with a grand jury?


This from Conservative Daily Post:

Mueller Admits He Can’t Indict President Trump

Mueller told Trump's legal team he will not indict the president, Giuliani tells Fox News. @johnrobertsFox has the story. 

Special Counsel Robert Mueller told President Donald Trump‘s legal team that his office does not have the legal authority to indict the president, according to Townhall.
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who serves on Trump’s personal legal team, also said that Mueller’s team has ignored five information requests from the president’s team, and that he found it utterly dumbfounding that Trump was fully complying with the special counsel, yet they refused to show the White House the same respect.
On Wednesday, Giuliani revealed that Mueller’s team informed the White House that no indictments will be brought against Trump. The bombshell report comes after Mueller has spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on his witch hunt and wasted everyone’s time for more than a year.
“All they get to do is write a report,” Giuliani said. “They can’t indict. At least they acknowledged that to us after some battling, they acknowledged that to us.”
Giuliani said Mueller’s team told him that a 1999 memo from the Department of Justice specifically stated that federal prosecutors do not have the legal authority to indict a sitting president.
The memo was written after Special Counsel Kenneth Starr‘s investigation led to the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton for perjuring himself when asked about his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Starr was appointed to investigate allegations that the Clintons broke the law and funneled millions of dollars through an Arkansas company. But his investigation moved into Clinton’s affair with Lewinsky, which was outside of his job description. That’s not to say that Clinton shouldn’t have been impeached for his affair, sexual activity in the Oval Office, and lying to federal officials about it — he should have, and was.
The memo was written so that future special counsel investigations couldn’t lead a never-ending witch hunt against a president for alleged crimes unrelated to their job description. The 1999 memo is the only thing stopping Mueller from spending years investigating Trump and everyone and everything he has ever been associated with, for decades.
But more importantly, the explosive announcement from Giuliani signals the Russia witch hunt may soon be over. Mueller’s team has been leading investigating for a year, and hasn’t produced a single shred of evidence that Trump colluded, broke the law, or did anything improper with Russia.
The liberal Resistance has spent two years leaking, lying, false reporting, and smearing Trump, and this report puts the final nail in the coffin. They are all liars and owe Trump an apology for calling him a traitor and claiming the election was rigged.
Mueller has conceded there’s no proof whatsoever to support any of those left-wing fantasies! And now the truth is finally coming out.
Below is a report from Fox News, where they discuss how Mueller’s office is conceding they cannot indict Trump:
Mueller told Trump's legal team he will not indict the president, Giuliani tells Fox News. @johnrobertsFox has the story. #SpecialReport 
— Fox News (@FoxNews) 6:05 PM - May 16, 2018

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