May 31, 2018

U.S. Leader Of Nation Of Islam Issues Death Warrant

Does anyone doubt this will increase Black Violence Against Whites? I predict it will also attract blacks, who hate whites, into his organization and cause all rational blacks to begin to take a stronger stand against this extreme, terrorist element among them. It could even be the the black swan among blacks which drives the Christians among them them out of the white Liberal camp into the Conservative Patriot camp. I see signs of a tremendous political, moral upheaval coming in the black community. There are millions of Christian blacks who are very tired of Liberal Political leaders, black and white. RB

Louis Farrakhan Sr., formerly known as Louis X, is an American muslim leader, black nationalist, activist, and social commentator. He is the leader of the religious group Nation of Islam and served as the minister of major mosques in Boston and Harlem, and was appointed by longtime Nation Of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad as the National Representative of the Nation of Islam.

Louis Farrakhan Issues Blood-Curdling Order

Louis Farrakhan Issues Blood-Curdling Order
Tasnim News Agency [CC BY 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons 

Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, called for an end to white men on Sunday morning, saying that their “nature is not in harmony with the nature of God.” 

Why should there be an end to him (White man)? Because his nature is not in harmony with the nature of God. Farrakhan went on to claim that white men had squandered the time God gave them to rule, alleging that they had chosen not to rule with righteousness, truth, justice, or fairness. (The Final Call News)

White man was only given 6,000 years (6 days) to rule. You cannot deny he has ruled but on what principle did he rule? Righteousness? Truth? Justice? Fairness? I don't think so. (The Final Call News).

Farrakhan’s message included a list of traits that he believed were “in the white man’s nature” — namely murder and dishonesty — and he added that while white people were slaves to their natures, what black people do “is by learning from your master.” (The Final Call News).

What he (the White man) does, he does by nature. What you (Black people) do, is by learning from your master.  (The Final Call News)  

Farrakhan also raised eyebrows earlier this week when he said President Donald Trump “is destroying every enemy that was an enemy of our rise.”  (Source:  The Daily Caller).

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