Jun 8, 2018

Impossible To Be Saved, Lost Again, Then Saved Again

Impossible To Be Saved Twice ...

The word "everlasting" is promised 91 times in God's word, the Bible. Among these 91 references to "everlasting", our everlasting God gave everlasting believers an everlasting covenant, of everlasting promises, for an everlasting possession, of everlasting life, for an everlasting period of time. The word "everlasting" means exactly that ... "lasting for ever".  To reemphasize everlasting, He added another word meaning the same thing ... "eternal". This word also means everlasting and is promised 47 times in the Bible. Then God added two more words to underlined it with eternal, indelible ink, and drove it deep into His Holy Word so that no reasonable person with an ounce of intelligence could  misunderstand it... Because He knew the devil would consentrate all his powers of persuasion over the minds of men that eternal God and eternal life won't last forever. So God added these verses to shine light upon the impossibility of losing eternal life gained by His grace through faith alone ...in Jesus Christ ...

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy GhostAnd have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. Hebrews 6:4-6
Here you have an imaginary person experiencing the impossible conundrum of having gained undeserved, eternal life on a temporary basis, lasting only as long as he deserves it.
So the Lord explains that IF that were possible, and this undeserving sinner, saved by grace ... but kept saved by his own goodness, slips a fraction by a little white lie of... exageration ... and loses his salvation, it is impossible for him to ever be saved again because Jesus would have to die again ... just for him.
So if it is impossible to be saved twice ... Do you still believe in losing your salvation? Tell me quick ... before you doubt, sin again, and get lost again. What a miserable life that would be... a five minute, eternal salvation. If that were true, we would all be lost more hours of a day than we would be saved. And what if you died in beteen any two of your millions of prayers of repentance? RB

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