Jun 20, 2018

Real Science Keeps Tipping Over Darwin’s Apple Cart

Of False Science

"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called." 1 Tim.6:20

The scientists who did the study, addessed in the article below, were astonished when their DNA calculations of the approximate ages of each type of living thing, on earth, blew up in their faces. Their study showed all life on earth began about the same time, which was only about 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. That only differs from their previous guesses by a few billions of years. If that blows their minds and throws their entire theory into a tailspin, they will faint dead away when they learn that our Creator did it in seven days as recently as 6000 years ago ... give or take a few years.
When reality forces you to narrow your best guess, of where we came from, to the single fact of creation, by billions, and broaden your best guess of a creator God by more billions, you will then know how far off you are from God. RB

Here is the article from American Liberty Report:

The modern scientific field is not faring well against God. A recent study in the journal Human Evolution made a discovery that has startled the scientists conducting it – namely, that all current species on earth showed up at approximately the same time, roughly 100,000 to 200,000 years ago.
Since the chaos religion of evolution requires massive amounts of time – billions of years – to maintain its non-disprovable doctrines, this is a problem for the glorified butterfly collectors writing all the biology textbooks.
Researchers at the University of Basel and The Rockefeller University studied the mitochondrial DNA of approximately 100,000 animal species, as well as humans. They expected to find wide genetic variation across big species that are spread out across the planet, but the result was the opposite. Most animals and people share the same mitochondrial DNA, so it makes this specific marker good for making comparisons among large groups.
So-called “neutral mutations” – those that do not impact a species’ ability to survive – give scientists the ability to determine an approximate age for a species, sort of like counting the rings in a tree. Here’s the bottom line of their findings: Every species that they catalogued had its mitochondrial “clock” set to zero at roughly the same time, around 100,000-200,000 years ago.
The hermit crab, which every high school biology textbook claims is 450 million years old as a species, will be terribly embarrassed by this. So are the scientists.
If every species emerged at the same time, then the biblical account of creation still holds more credence than Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
Modern DNA research is finally allowing 21st century scientists to catch up with their 19th century forefathers who found Darwin’s theory of evolution to be a ridiculous, unscientific alternative to God. The scientific community originally rejected Darwinism; the theory only gained in popularity, initially, because liberal unbelieving pastors finally had an excuse that would let them reject the creation narrative in Genesis, which they found mortifying.
The butterfly collectors shouldn’t feel too badly about this latest breakthrough, however. The vast majority of modern science is in crisis right now, due to scandalous amounts of fraud. As the BBC reported last year, more than two-thirds of scientists are unable to reproduce the published, peer-reviewed science experiments of their colleagues.
In other words, scientists are making up claims and their research is being published in the latest journals despite no one checking up on the actual research.
The so-called Stanford Prison Experiment, perhaps the most famous social science experiment in history, was recently exposed as a total fraud. In 1971, a Stanford psychologist divided a group of students up into “guards” and “inmates.” Within a short amount of time, the guards were terrorizing the inmates; one student allegedly had a psychotic break.
The results of the experiment were so shocking that it was never reproduced. 47 years later, the student who suffered the “breakdown” admits that he was acting and says all his fellow students were as well. The entire experiment, which is featured in every social science textbook in the world, was fake.
DNA research presents a real problem for the modern secular scientist because it boils down to immovable math. Strands of DNA can be broken down to strings of numbers, similar to computer code. The DNA of a species will remain the same regardless of the feelings or political agenda of the researcher.
Temperature data is easy to fudge to “prove” that the earth is getting hotter. DNA for an entire species is another matter and that has many modern pseudo-scientists worried.
For example, the scientific community and the homosexual lobby have been telling us for decades that homosexuality is genetic, despite no proof of this claim. With the vast amounts of DNA research being conducted, however, the homosexual apologists are suddenly demanding that the search for a so-called “gay gene” be stopped.
As Pacific Standard magazine wrote in March 2018, “Why bother?” They’ve become extremely nervous about something that they claimed was a scientific certainty just a couple of years ago.
What this study really proves is that science just put up a huge case for creationism. Score another one for Christianity.
~American Liberty Report

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