Jun 23, 2018

The Blessed Hope Is Only Eternal Hope Anyone Has

All Other "Hope" Is Short-Lived or Hopeless

Our last President's promise of "Hope and Change" proved to be, after 8 long years, both empty promises and ruinous change for the entire nation.... The greatest national calamity of my lifetime.

Since the rebellious sin of Adam and Eve, at the beginning of time, there has been just one real hope... the redemptive power in the sacrificial death of God's Messiah, Jesus the Christ, and his future return to resurrect  and rapture away His believers... to heaven. He came first between the end of the last day of B.C., and the beginning of the first day of A.D to live and die for the sins of "whosoever will" believe. 

His own, earthly, chosen people, the Jews, rejected their "Blessed Hope", at His first coming, though He fulfilled all their Old Testament Messianic prophecies. They, as a nation, will accept Him during the seven year Tribulation Period, at the end of this present age, and regain their Blessed Hope, in Jesus Messiah (Christ).

You may not realize how blessed you are to be given the open door (Rev.3:8) to faith in Christ while you still live. Your death will close that door and lock our eternal fate in place (Rev.22:11). As I read the headlines yesterday, I saw all kinds of false hope being propagated by the spirit of Antichrist. It offered a wide variety of delusional hope to those looking in all the wrong places in this twilight zone of confusion and perverted hope. One headline heralded the "hope" of a Las Vegas "mogul" billionaire who is working on putting a "huge, inflatable, hotel in orbit around the world". Passing strange. Another headline seemed thrilled that Amazon's brilliant (richest man in the world) Jeff Bezos was building a "10,000 year clock in the side of a mountain, in West Texas, which will click once a year. Considering the bizarre  interests of people, and "the devil may care" concern for their souls, a new religion will likely gather there each year to hear that one click and all swear it was a holy thing. Another was the futile  efforts of some millionaires to have their bodies frozen until a remedy for their illnesses is discovered. These people have more money than they have perception of reality. Another headline was of a NYC sanitation worker whose city retirement was $285,000 per year.... But the Big Apple still can't figure out why they are bankrupt. 
When Billy Graham, known as America's Pastor, recently died at 99,  hundreds of thousands of Christians were reminded of their Blessed Hope ... a comforting ray of hope amidst the hopelessness, futility, false causes and fortresses of prevarication. A host of  thousands of eternal souls were saved under Brother Billy's ministry... He shared with millions the only Hope, the Blessed Hope of Jesus Christ. And Billy's bonus contribution to the world ... in these last days .... his son Franklin, who shares that same Blessed Hope and also attacks the demonic opposition to it.

The Blessed Hope of Old Testament saints was the same as of Christians today. The coming of Messiah, Christ.

"Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is." Jeremiah 17:7.

"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." Titus 2:13.

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; your redemption draweth nigh." Luke 21:8.  

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