Jun 28, 2018

This Is A Sea Change Occurance In US History

The importance of the Nov. 6, Midterm elections just got far, far more important than they were a few days ago. All because one man, Supreme Court Justice Kennedy announced his retirement, and thereby created a historic crossroads for the entire nation's future direction. America's entire way of life will be affected for good or bad to some degree, depending on who ends up taking Kennedy's place.  He has been what is called the swing vote on many vital decisions of the court, including the passage of abortion on demand and many others. 

It is as if his resignation, at this moment in history, has injected an explosive element into all of the mid-term elections and will elect the candidates of the party who does the best job of motivating their supporters to give financially, convince their friends of its importance and to get out and vote. The result will determine several extremely important outcomes.

First, it will determine whether Conservative Republicans or Liberal Socialist Democrats control Congress. And which party controls Congress will determine whether President Trump can get the best Conservative, Patriotic Supreme Court Justice approved to take Justice Kennedy's place and thus tilt the balance of the court to the right.  Besides that huge outcome, it will also determine all of the greatest contested issues which now divide our nation and into the future. Things like repealing Roe Vs. Wade (abortion on demand), Second Amendment rights (right to own guns), Holy Matrimony (no legal same sex marriage), freedom to be a practicing Christian, and every other moral, spiritual and national issue which comes before the Supreme Court. 

Now the question is, "Will you pray, give, vote and motivate your friends and relatives to do the same? Remember James 2:18-26 ...

"Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.... But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith withoutworks is dead? .... For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faithwithout works is dead also."

Many good Conservative Americans reject referencing any other American as an enemy. I have no such compunction. People who do what the left wing has done to our great nation are not patriots, Christians or friends. They are the enemy. If I had been a German in the 1930's I would have considered Hitler and his Brown Shirts the enemy.

Maxine Waters is the "new" and "true" face of the Democrat Party supported by fully half of American citizens ...
The party of Truman, Carter and Kennedy has become the party of Maxine Waters. It is now the party of hate, communism, abortion, homosexual marriage, anti-military, anti-Constitution, open borders, public 4 letter words, free money, free housing, free food, free medical and mob action to get their way. RB
Tammy Bruce: Maxine Waters advances a liberal strategy with her call for mob action

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