Jul 26, 2018

Cubans Saw Their Marxest Abyss Fate And Turned Right

A Less-Communist Cuba
Arising From The Castro Ashes

This from The Constitutional News Network

While self-proclaimed “democratic socialists” win Democratic primaries in America, actual socialists in Cuba are finally backing away from some of the ideas that kept Cubans poor.    (While free nations advanced in prosperity under Free Enterprise. RB) 

Sunday, Cuba’s National Assembly approved a draft of a new constitution that recognizes a right to own private property. That’s progress. Would Senator Bernie Sanders and celebrity-of-the-moment Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez approve?    (Right to own private property is the basic right of a free people. RB)
Instead of saying that “communism” is the purpose of the state, Cuba will now say that “socialism” is the basis of the economy.    ("Basis means bottom. This is a compromise position between the rabid Castro Communists and the oppressed Cuban people yearning to be free. RB)
That’s an ambiguous difference, but “socialism” tends to mean a larger private sector.        (There are too many avowed Communists in Cuba for these Politicians to jump the wide chasm between Marxism and Free Enterprise in one stroke of the pen. Give them a bit more time. They are now aimed in the ritght direction. RB)
Cuba’s new leaders also say they welcome foreign  investmentt. Maybe this will bring some prosperity to the long-suffering Cuban population.   (One more step away from Communism and Free Enterprise will flourish, as will the Cuban people. RB)
It may bring more freedom, too. The new draft says a criminal defendant is innocent until proven guilty. That’s progress. It also sets term limits on presidents — no more than two consecutive five-year terms. Fidel Castro ruled for 50 years.    (Imagine that. How did this new generation of Cubans come up with such a radical concept?  "Innocent until proven guilty".  Next thing you know they will be applying for statehood in the United States.  No, not when they realize the U.S. is heading into the Communist pit they are trying to get out of.  They have learned their lesson and have turned to the right. Cuba may even soon be a good escape destination for U.S. Conservative Expatriates. RB)

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