Jul 19, 2018

The Ups, Downs, Fraud And Intrigue Of Our Masters

Doing Hijinks On The Elitist's, Political, And Billionaire's Ladder.

Be very careful whose fingers you step on going up the corporate, political, or corruption ladder. Sooner or later you will be coming down while they climb over you going up. You have fingers too.

The $400,000,000 Tip to Hillary Question ...

New York Times strikes back with this, maybe true, smokescreen
"Major Investor In Russia Sees Wide Fraud Scheme"

Then The New York Times Dumped A Shipload Of Flammable Truth And Error mix Into The Collusion Fire.
"Kremlin Foe Singled Out In Putin's Offer"
During the presidential campaign, a Kremlin-linked lawyer tried to interest the Trump campaign in allegations against Mr. Browder during a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower in New York with members of the Trump campaign, who had been promised damaging information about the Clinton campaign. That meeting has become a focus of Mr. Mueller’s investigation.  Full article here....       

So, now we are beginning to see the true motive behind the Democrat/Mueller Team's, all guns blazing, attack on President Trump, accusing him of Russian Collusion ... probably to throw the blood hounds off Hillary's tracks. Obviously the Trump Campaign didn't use the volatile, Hillary/Browder expose' the Russians had in hand, about Hillary, to whomever might have met with them, because this information wasn't known until Putin brought it up at the summit meeting in Helsinki. This also explains why the Democrats are in such a rage that our President would even think of trying to neutralize the leader of a nuclear nation who doesn't like us and who also supports several other nuclear nations who hate us. Isn't that the kind of thing we expect him to do?  The left doesn't like his wife, children or the way they dress.

Now let's consider another angle of this Chernobyl sized political explosion.  It rumbled  when an Everest sized mountain of political corruption reached the bursting point and began to spew sparks, fume and ash of the molten lava of lies it contained.  A little squirt of a bully, on the left side of the mountain named Putin, awoke that dawn, had a clear view of the smoke and ash, ran through his village warning everyone. Then he ran on around to the right side of the mountain and met a tall blond haired, tough talking kid named Donald whom he feared, and told him what he saw. Donald didn't want to alert his village not knowing if it were true or not, but another kid, Dem Writ, heard it and ran screaming through town that Donald had said it. Everybody was jolted awake, ran into the town square shouting and cussing Donald, or arguing his innocence, or  denying there was a problem with Mount Hillary. Then the mountain blew its top and everybody was affected

Another angle, if you are going to kill a rattlesnake, with an axe, don't chop off your wife's foot. You may kill the snake and lose your wife ... or your own life to her butcher knife. RB

This sort of thing can start with a whispered word, and spread out, gathering revelations, which were totally unrelated, gaining breadth, height, width and depth until dozens of other crimes of corruption are sucked in with their hundreds or thousands of guilty culprits, both Democrat, Republican and Communist. There is no telling where this will end. But we shall definitely see. The important thing is to vote out the worst of the sinners and vote in the best of them. Usually the saints aren't running. Mostly it's sinners who are running from something or for something . The question is ... what is their goal, their own benefit or the nations? Stay tuned, a lot more is opening up.

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