Jul 5, 2018

Ultimate Hypocrit Accuses Others Of His Own Sins

Communists and Muslims do it as a matter of doctrine.

Left wing Liberals call Christians and Conservatives "hateful", “sexist,” “intolerant,” “xenophobic,” “homophobic,” “Islamophobic,” “racist,” “bigoted,” “antisemitic,” and “misogynist". You see these Democrat charges every day in the news.

Reasonable people interpret that as ... "The Pot calling the kettle black". So what does that old adage mean? Well, first, despite the Liberal's accusations that it is a racist slur, it has nothing to do with race but hypocritical contradiction.

Satan (which means "accuser") was the first hypocrite to falsely charge someone else of his own sin.

Twice he accused Job to God that if God would withdraw his protecting hand from Job that Job would "curse God to his face". But when God let Job suffer all kinds of pain and loss, he did not curse God but praised Him.   "In all this did not Job sin with his lips." Job.2:10.   It was Satan (Lucifer himself) who cursed God. The pot calling the kettle black.

In ancient Greece, mention of 'the Snake and the Crab', who never walk straight, is referring to the same thing, in which the accuser criticizes its own behaviour in someone else. The first record of this is in an old tavern song 'skolion' dating back several hundred years Before Christ. The fable is said to be  Aesop's and concerns a mother crab and her young, where the mother tells the child to walk straight and is asked in return to "demonstrate how that is done" ... which she could not do either. The pot calling the kettle black.

The same hypocritical accusation is found in the Aramaic version of the story of Ahigar around 500 BC. 'The bramble sent to the pomegranate tree saying, "Wherefore the multitude of thy thorns to him that toucheth thy fruit?" The pomegranate tree answered and said to the bramble, "Thou art all thorns to him that toucheth thee".

An alternative modern interpretation, far removed from the original intention, argues that while the pot is sooty (being placed on a fire), the kettle is shiny (being placed on coals only); hence, when the pot accuses the kettle of being black, it is the pot's own sooty reflection that it sees: the pot accuses the kettle of a fault that only the pot has, rather than one that they share. The point is illustrated by a poem that appeared anonymously in an early issue of St. Nicholas Magazine from 1876: Wikipedia

"Oho!" said the pot to the kettle; 

You are dirty and ugly and black! 
Sure no one would think you were metal, 
Except when you're given a crack." 

"Not so! not so!" kettle said to the pot; 
Tis your own dirty image you see; 
For I am so clean – without blemish or blot 
That your blackness is mirrored in me."

William Penn, the early American hero who founded Pennsylvania, put it this way... "If thou hast not conquer'd thy self in that which is thy own particular Weakness, thou hast no Title to Virtue, tho' thou art free of other Men's sins. For a Covetous Man to inveigh against Prodigality, an Atheist against Idolatry, a Tyrant against Rebellion, or a Liar against Forgery, and a Drunkard against Intemperance, is for the Pot to call the Kettle black." 

Finally, it was Jesus, himself, whose version of the pot calling the kettle black which is the most stinging.        

"And why beholdest thou the mote (speck) that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam (log)
that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." Matt. 7:3-5.

Considering all of the above, could it explain why, immediately after the surprise election of Trump, the Democrats made outrageous accusations that Trump colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton? Accusing Trump of what Democrat Hillary was guilty of.

This from Conservative Daily Post 7-16-18

Putin Offers To Help Mueller, Says Wealthy Russian Gave Clinton Camp $400,000,000

Russian President Vladimir Putin not only offered to help Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s probe into alleged Trump-Russia collusion, he revealed that a wealthy Russian and his associates gave Hillary Clinton‘s 2016 presidential campaign $400 million, according to Vox. 

During a joint news conference on Monday in Finland, Putin responded to Mueller indicting 12 Russian military officers last Friday, for alleged involvement in 2016 hacks. Some have speculated that the timing of the last round of indictments was because democrats were afraid of this happening. 

Putin not only offered to allow the Russian government to work with the U.S. intelligence community, he dropped a bombshell that Bill Browder and his allies funneled $400 million to Clinton’s campaign. 

“Last year, there was one extradition case by the United States. Mueller can use this treaty as an official request to us… in this case this kind of effort should be a reciprocal one. For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder. They sent a huge amount of money. $400 million to Hillary Clinton,” Putin said.

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