Jul 29, 2018

Understanding God's Perfect Will For You Right Now

With All The Present Complications ...

It is almost a given that every Christian and nearly all non-Christians who believe in a God, have prayed  these words. "Lord, show me what to do and I will do it." God's will for all of us, in the future, may be concealed until, in His own time, He is ready to reveal it: But, as to His will for us now, today, this very minute, He always reveals that to us ... not someone else. The problem with not knowing God's will for us right now is, we are not praying for it, don't want it, or are not listening. Why should God show us His absolute will for our future assignments? If that were the case we would need no faith for our next step, in that direction. No, He gives us one step at a time toward the prize, so we will trust Him for the final outcome.  So, at any given moment, if you have prayed, and your spirit is listening, you can exercise your faith, and take that step of God's will... forward.   "Faith cometh by hearing... and hearing by God's word." Rom.10:17.   I think that is true by hearing the silent, but unquestionable guidance of God's Spirit, based upon our own studied, "rightly dividing the word of truth", and also by reading it or hearing it preached or taught.      "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Tim. 2:15.

If you will avail yourself to the hearing of Scripture (God's Word), over time, God will build in you a broad, general, and in many things, specific understanding of His will, in almost any situation. This spiritual foundation will always be there for us, and with which the Holy Spirit will guide us.    "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth...." John 16:13.

If you are a spiritually mature Christian, my best advice is, when your spirit is impressed by the Spirit of God to speak or act ... do it. Mind you, Satan can counterfeit spiritual experiences and give strong, misleading inner feelings and impressions. Just because something enters your mind does not mean it is the will of God, no matter how certain you are that it is. And unless you have a solid foundation in Biblical truths, you may not discern God's guidance from Satan's or a preacher's.   "... false apostles, deceitful workers, transform themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed as an angel of light.  Therefore it is no great thing if his minsters also be transformed as the of ministers of righteousness ...." 1 Cor.11:13-15.    We must be walking with God to know the difference in Satan's guidance for our next step ... and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Your next step is always in harmony and in the same direction as God is going.

So, when the Spirit of God shows you your very next task or step, you are allowed just one of two answers ... "Yes Lord" ... and you do it, or "No Lord"... and you don't. It is spiritual blindness to answer the Lord ... "If I can, Lord".  We can't do anything right or good without His guidance and help, but He will never guide us to do something we cannot do ... within His will and with His help.  Only Satan motivates people to waste their time, energy and reputation trying to do something they cannot possibly do ... like becoming a world champion runner with one leg... or anything else contrary to His word or natural truth. God can do the impossible... but you and I can't. And we have to be wholly surrendered to His Divine will to be a part of things impossible.... accomplished. 

"And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." Mark 10:27.

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