Aug 28, 2018

Mexico President Sings Trump's Praises Long/Sweet

Time Can Heal And Time Can Kill...

Yes, it is true that time heals all wounds
while it also wounds all heals ...............
"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." Ecc.8:11 
Delayed judgment does not prove God's disinterest but His grace.

The story below has been developing over the two years of the Trump administration. All of that time the major news networks, the Democrats and even establishment Republicans have whined, screamed and cursed the President ...but time has caught up with them and wounded their "feelings" but his plan has healed the unfair NAFTA problem. It was a long and difficult process which has produced a new, fair trade agreement with Mexico and will soon also include Canada. NAFTA was a product of U.S. Liberals which gave away the farm to both Mexico and Canada. Trump's team healed that wound. Now, we hear the Mexican President singing Trump's praises for taking the bull by the horns and strongly correcting the problem. It is true. I heard his long phone commendation of  Trump. You can too.

The end result of this new agreement will bless Mexico and the USA equally. Now, I will bet my bottom dollar that the next poll of U.S. Mexicans will show a dramatic rise of at least 10% in their approval of President Trump.

This from LifeZetta  ... But where is NBC, CBS, ABC and MSM's honest reporting of this break-through?

Top Mexican Official Says Trump ‘Proved’ Naysayers ‘Wrong’ on NAFTA

Luis Videgaray Caso said the 'brilliant' new trade deal is a 'breakthrough,' hopes Canada will sign on, too.

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