Sep 2, 2018

Many People Embrace Victimization As Their Identity

Truth Trumps Political Correctness...

Parents who, themselves, were raised in a family or neighborhood of professing victims, and have been influenced by those who justify their failures and shortcomings on the "successful class" they see as their henderance, will produce children who also embrace victimization as their primary identity. Their only means of escaping their own "perceived" inferiority is to turn the blame on someone else, as is so common with almost everyone. And who better to blame than the more productive, prosperous class of a different race, or a cop. Racial prejudice has been a human failing since the Lord scattered the descendants of Noah, at the Tower of Babel, into the different nationalities and languages.

The fact that their accusations, today, were once true against their ancestors for about 247 years in the U.S., but was reversed in 1865, is convieniantly recorded in history books and seems to lend credence to their claims of victimization today. However, 153 years of increasing freedom, from discrimination, has carried the pendelum of equality past the center point of "equal" and has now swung over into the special priviledge and perceived "entitlement" side. Yes, of course, there are cases of racial discrimination, but it works both ways. There are as many such cases of it among blacks as whites. 

Racial discrimination is against the law now and is strenuously enforced, to the point where false claims of it are being charged by increasing numbers of professional victims, as a new class of false accusers. We must now deal with false charges of discrimination by these voluntary victims of offences which happened to their  ancestors 153 to 400 years ago, but not to themselves, today. I know this observation is politically incorrect, but I'm too old swallow such an untenable exercise in self deception perpetuated by the major news networks. Truth trumps political correctness.

Here is another excellent video on the subject from Prager University ....

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