Sep 25, 2018

The Personality Disorder Of A Suicide Bomber

Risking All To Destroy Unbelievers...

Which is worse, the crime of groping committed 35 years ago by a 17 year old boy, or Falsely accusing the innocent Supreme Court Justice Candidate of it in order to destroy him and leave his family in ruins. Which of the two would you prefer to be? RB

Christine Blasey Ford: Female Suicide Bomber 

CHQ Staff | 9/24/18 

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of a sexual assault some 35-years ago now appears to be prepared to testify about her allegations at a hearing to he conducted by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, September 27. 

The letter through which she originally made the allegation has finally been released by California Democratic Blasey Ford Testimony Senator Dianne Feinstein, but it offers nothing new to corroborate Blasey Ford’s claims. 

Despite that fact, and that all the alleged witnesses to the alleged assault have categorically denied any knowledge of it, Democrats, such as Hawaii’s Senator Mazie Hirono and New York’s Kristen Gillibrand, have steadfastly maintained Ms. Blasey Ford is telling the truth and that she must be believed because she has no reason to lie and is “sacrificing so much” to raise these charges. 

That might be a compelling argument to the average establishment media TV producer or reporter, however, from the larger political perspective on the Kavanaugh nomination and how it is perceived by the Left, it actually explains exactly why Christine Blasey Ford would lie and “sacrifice so much” to bring down Judge Brett Kavanaugh. 

So why would she give up her privacy, professional standing and an allegedly idyllic life in California to stop Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed by the Senate? 

It is beyond dispute that Christine Blasey Ford is a committed Leftist. As a Gen Two member of the feminist Left, Blasey Ford was indoctrinated at the prestigious Holton Arms School. The Holton-Arms administration and board are militantly pro-abortion. The commencement ceremony in June 2018 contained at least 7 positive references to abortion. The yearbooks of her years at Holton Arms brag about under-age drinking and the commodification of sex, all with the apparent knowledge and approval of parents and faculty. 

To the Left, the Kavanaugh nomination is all about women’s “choice,” Roe v. Wade and abortion, the central tenets of their secular religion. 

Viewed through the lens of Blasey Ford’s indoctrination in the Left’s secular religion and her commitment to it, she is the perfect candidate to take out Brett Kavanaugh, and for the same reasons that suicide bombers choose to immolate themselves to destroy their enemies. 

Religious terrorism is a particularly potent form of violence; religion offers the moral justification for committing seemingly immoral acts, such as lying to destroy the reputation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and, make no mistake about it, Leftist feminism is a religion, and its adherents are motivated with the same zeal that motivates other fanatics. 

“She didn’t always get along with her parents because of differing political views,” Blasey Ford’s husband Russell Ford told the Washington Post. “It was a very male-dominated environment. Everyone was interested in what’s going on with the men, and the women are sidelined, and she didn’t get the attention or respect she felt she deserved…” 

This, too, mirrors the motivations of female suicide bombers. Maartje Witlox noted in her research, “What motivates female suicide terrorists?” that “Some have alleged that female terrorists are motivated by psychological problems or by the will to avenge a personal tragedy. Other theorists argue that women are fighting to achieve gender equality, since the societies they live in are often extremely patriarchal.” 

Fiinally, there is this strategic benefit; suicide bombing clears spaces and makes the population feel unsafe as they go about their daily business. And what better way to make sure that good people, especially conservatives, will refuse to accept nomination to the Supreme Court or other key positions than to make it clear that they will be destroyed for doing so? 

The Senate Judiciary Committee has now sought information from six individuals—five who were allegedly present at the party when the alleged incident took place, and one who claimed to have secondhand knowledge of the incident. 

A former schoolmate of Dr. Ford’s—Ms. Christina King Miranda—claimed on social media posts on September 20 that “[t]his incident did happen, many of us heard about it in school.” Hours later, the Committee reached out to Ms. Miranda and asked her to participate in a confidential interview on Dr. Ford’s allegations with Committee investigators. 

Shortly thereafter, however, she deleted her posts and claimed on National Public Radio that she “ha[d] no idea” whether the incident “happened or not.” Ms. King Miranda further stated that she would not participate in an interview with the Committee. 

Four of those allegedly present at the party have provided statements to the Committee—Judge Kavanaugh, Mr. Judge, Mr. Smyth, and Ms. Keyser.  Judge Kavanaugh has flatly denied the allegations, and Mr. Judge, Mr. Smyth, and Ms. Keyser deny having knowledge of any party matching Dr. Ford’s description.  Ms. King subsequently recanted her claim of secondhand knowledge and publicly refused to cooperate with the Committee’s investigation. 

Nothing Judge Kavanaugh says or evidence he presents is going to convince Democrats to vote AYE on his confirmation, because this isn’t about his abstract qualifications; his intellect, his knowledge of the law and the quality of his judicial product. This is a religious war over abortion and it is time to recognize Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations for what they are – the Far Left’s first female suicide bombing.

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