Oct 14, 2018

Between Ugly But Good And Beautiful But Evil ... Choose Ugly...

Time always reveals the true person

Ugly Is Only Skin Deep... 
But Evil And Lying Goes     
All The Way To The Bone 

An ugly or homely person may be clean, well groomed, funny, happy, loving, generous, wise, intelligent, talented, kind, patient, interesting, hard working, a Christian, and a joy to be around. In which case, they are only ugly to those who do not know them, and are attractive to those who do. Whereas, an evil liar may be beautiful at first sight, clean, well groomed, intelligent, talented, and even funny, but usually not very happy, loving, generous, patient, kind, or a Christian. But to the mature wise, their beauty soon becomes ugly. Seeing another person's true beauty requires time to know them, and wisdom.

Immature, young people are strongly attracted to beauty and funny
but can't usually see what really matters when making friends or dating. I don't recommend dating until you know the person and there is a posibility of a serious relationship. It is too easy for the young to become infatuated and think it is love. Time and experience usually moderate the appreciation of physical beauty and strengthens the attraction to the more spiritual qualities of the people we know.

In my many years, I have known people who, when young, married a slender, beautiful, or handsome person and lived the rest of their lives miserably ...  until death or misery separated them. At which time they remarried a homely, plump person and each made the other happy. 

So, all you young people, beauty doesn't mean evil, so you may find a beautiful friend or mate who has it all, but don't let the beauty blind you to the evil which may be hidden beneath that beauty. Look long for a truly descent person whose qualities may not be obvious at first, but will, with time, become clear to you. The mistake in choosing a mate for their beauty, and not their goodness, may buy you a short life full of unhappiness. You may not can tell which is which, but God can, so ask Him to give you spiritual sight.

"But the Lord said ... Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." 1 Sam. 16:7

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