Oct 3, 2018

The Fairy Tale Party Remembered By All Democrats

Attended By Nobody, Nowhere, Nohow

Once upon a time, many years ago, there was this tiny, hi-school party attended by five immaginary friends who mostly didn't know each other and were not there, but whose names were remembered by a young dreamer named Christine. Christine and her best friend, Leland, who also weren't there were the only girls present. The three boys attending, whose names Christine remembers, didn't show up either. Thirty six years later, neither the three boys nor Christine's best friend, Leland, remembers the party and swear they were not there. And Leland swears she never met those boys. The only attenders who clearly remember the party and everyone present are 99% of the Democrat Party. So the only thing certain about Christine's memory is that it is either a fairy tale fable, a figment of her fantacy, or a fictional fabrication to assure that Brett Kavanaugh, and honest Republicans, will never live happily ever after. RB

FOX News Reports that...
The level of investigation Kavanaugh has undergone is extraordinary. In fact, the Senate has received far more information about Kavanaugh than it has received about all prior Supreme Court nominees combined throughout American history.

Two Washington Times Reports

Blasey Ford pal Leland Keyser tells FBI she doesn't know Kavanaugh, has 'no recollection' of party

Leland Keyser, the high school best friend Christine Blasey Ford counted on to corroborate her sexual assault charges, has told the FBI she has no knowledge of the supposed 1982 party or the accused, Brett Kavanaugh.
Howard J. Walsh III, her attorney, told The Washington Times that she met with the FBI on Saturday. Asked if she had repeated the same two statements she provided the Senate Judiciary Committee, the lawyer answered, “yes.”
Ms. Ford accuses Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh, and his friend, Mark Judge, of trying to rape her at a home in Montgomery County near the Columbia Country Club.
They both deny the charge. Patrick Smyth, a third party-goer identified by Ms. Ford, also denies he attended any such party.
That left Ms. Keyser, Ms. Ford’s best friend at Holton-Arms school, as the remaining witness of the five people who supposedly attended.
Before the FBI interview, Mr. Walsh submitted two statements to the Senate committee, both saying the same thing.
“Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford,” Mr. Walsh said.
And now another Dreamland Story-book tale ...

Julie Swetnick backs off sexual misconduct allegations in interview

Julie Swetnick, the third woman to come forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, backed off some of those claims in a television interview that aired Tuesday night.
NBC, which interviewed her, also said none of the four people she said would corroborate her story have done so. Two didn’t respond to the network’s requests for comment, one had died and the fourth said he didn’t remember Ms. Swetnick and didn’t think they socialized. They also noted her claims differed from the ones made in her sworn affidavit before airing the interview.
In a sworn declaration last week Ms. Swetnick said Judge Kavanaugh, as a high school student in the early 1980s, was “present” when she was a victim of a “train” rape. She went further and claimed to witness the two boys purposefully “spiking” drinks to get girls drunk enough for these rapes to occur.
In the NBC interview, though, she said only that she saw Judge Kavanaugh and a friend, Mark Judge, hanging around punch containers and giving out cups to girls, but noted she did not know what he may have done.
She also now says she doesn’t know if he was part of the gang rape she says she suffered — but she still suspects him.
“I cannot specifically say that he was one of the ones that assaulted me,” she said, “but earlier at that party, I saw Brett Kavanaugh there, I saw Mark Judge there.”
When asked if he was involved with any alleged gang rapes, Ms. Swetnick said it was “too coincidental” to think otherwise.

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