Oct 7, 2018

The Upshot Of This Trump/Senate Victory To America

Here Are Five Results Of This Moral, Conservative Victory, In Order Of Importance...

1. The triumph of justice over injustice, truth over lies, and good character over evil accusations.

2. It secured, of years to come, the Christian and Right-Wing's defence and preservation of the US Constitution, our bedrock law.

3. Our, and our children's, future will be much better than had the Democrats won this crucial battle.

4. The Left was so vicious and perverse that it exploded into a vibrant, Republican Party unity.

5. It delivered a stunning set-back for demagogues and Democrats leading up to November elections.

How will it affect Christians? He is a professing Christian and an active, conservative Catholic who dearly loves the Constitution ... as written by our Founding Fathers to protect our freedoms and Bill Of Rights.

Religion News noted that Kavanaugh has made a number of rulings that are important to religious conservatives. This includes opposing the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate, stating that it would “substantially burden the religious organizations’ exercise of religion.” However, some of his abortion-related rulings are less conservative than some would want. In 2011, he did not agree with a man’s argument that he had a First Amendment right to protest then-President Barack Obama’s position on abortion by writing chalk messages on the sidewalk in front of the White House. Kavanaugh wrote: “No one has a First Amendment right to deface government property.” 

In 2010, he said that language such as “so help me God” in presidential inaugurations doesn’t violate the establishment clause because inaugural prayers are “traditionally inclusive and largely non-sectarian.” 

In an opinion written for National Review, Jay Lefkowitz wrote about working with Kavanaugh on a pro bono case in the past, and how Kavanaugh is committed to protecting freedom of religion for people of all faiths.

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