Oct 1, 2018

US Legal Tenet 'Innocent Til Proven Guilty' Is Dying

Another Left-Wing Democrat Nail In The U.S. Coffin.

False Accusation is in the abomination bag with abortion, same sex marriage, legalizing illegal drugs, violating the Constitution with impunity in these days, and the witch hunts in Massachusetts at the end of the 1600s. Again, a false premise is being carried on a wave of mass hysteria among the undiscerning, knee-jerk half of our country. Led by their unethical political hacks in a vicious, deadly assault on innocence ... when the guilt is all on the accusers. There is a depraved side of human nature which a large percentage of human beings first smell, then taste, then seek after and gorge themselves on it like vultures swarming over a dying deer. Judge Kavanaugh's Democrat questioners were not on a search for truth mission but a search and destroy mission. 
They pronounced him guilty by accusation and guilty until HE could Prove his innocence, a contradiction of U.S. law.

What is happening in D.C. today is another Salem witch hunt and distortion of right and justice. 

The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and judicial prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than 200 people were accused, nineteen of whom were found guilty and executed by hanging (fourteen women and five men). One other man was pressed to death for refusing to plead, and at least five people died in jail. It was the deadliest witch hunt in the history of the United States
Twelve other women had previously been executed in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Today's more sophisticated Americans can see the ignorance and vileness of such false accusations. And yet, some people still fall for such lies and . accusations against innocence in the face of evidence and facts to the contrary. All of which prove the accused is not guilty. "Innocent until proven guilty" is not only a tradition but a tenet of our Law, and has always been an American imperative. Judge Kavanaugh does not have to prove innocence. His accuser has to prove his guilt. It is common knowledge that nobody can prove a negative. How can you prove a thing that didn't happen?

Strangely, when this sort of evil uproar gets a head of steam, no matter how far fetched, it increases speed and an excitable lynch-mob of supporters goes crazy. The bigger the thing becomes the more "victim" imposters jump on the bandwagon. Why anyone would want to be seen as a victim is a mystery to me. Unless it is to vent their own frustrations and gain a slice of notoriety, or to help their friends, their beliefs or their political party. Or, maybe, demon possession.

What is happening to Judge Kavanaugh and his family is tragic indeed, but another facet of this political fight which will do much more damage to our entire nation and everyone in it is the lasting consequences of this unjust lynching of an honorable man. Those consequences are, first, it could cause the right-wing, and even some of the left-wing of our citizens to begin to doubt the truth of many of the recent hundreds/thousands of  #Me Too accusers of sexual crimes against themselves. Nobody is immune from accusations. CEO's, politicians, actors, athletes, managers and whoever has an enemy. But, maybe worse than that is, after the Democrat annihilation of Judge Kavanaugh's reputation, life and maybe his judgeship and marriage, the few judges qualified to become a Supreme Court Justice, even if they have no major negatives, know they can still be accused falsly and will not want anything to do with such vicious treatment and the ruin of their lives. So the possible list of Supreme Court nominees willing to risk being destroyed, could be reduced to those who already have ruined reputations and have nothing to lose. Now that will result in a true national catastrophe. We must protect the innocent by not requiring them to prove an accusation "didn't" happen, and instead, requiring the accuser to prove it did happen. How do you prove a thing didn't happen 36 years later. You may can prove it did, but you cannot prove it didn't.

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