Oct 10, 2018

"You can pluck a chicken one feather at a time and no one will notice"

But the chicken will soon awaken and become a very angry Giant Rooster... with spurs on one end and a sharp beak on the other.

The Democrats have, for the last 50 years, followed the methods of Benito Mussolini, the Fascist Italian dictator who joined Hitler in his war against the free world. Mussolini arose to power by use of the "frog in a pot of hot water" method. But he had a different way of expressing it which he called "Relieving the chicken". What he said, in private, was, "You can pluck a chicken one feather at a time and no one will notice." That is how he relieved Italian industry of their businesses, factories, resources and Free Enterprise and they became the property of the State. After he made Italy a partner of Nazi Germany, destroyed the Italian economy, and lost the war, the Italians, who had been plucked naked, hung him and his wife by their feet and abused his corpse. Horrible thought but dully deserved considering the suffering and loss he caused Italians, and the free world. The Communist Russians did the same thing with a more direct approach. They skipped the long process of plucking the chickens and just shot the owners in the head and confiscated their property. Hitler's method was, he got the Industry owners to volunteer their co-operation and produce for him or be replaced by one of their board of directors, or a collaborator who would. 

All three of those dictators, and their system of government, were Socialists. Venezuela's Socialist dictator is now following in those three nations' Socialistic history.

What our Democrat Socialists are also doing, right now, is more like Mussolini's Fascism, but with a Communist twist ... "atheistic" socialism. The U.S. has been plucked of its feathers for 50 years. Both Hitler and Mussolini were "professing" Catholic Christians. I say "professing" because obviously neither of them were truly born again Christians. "Professing" to be a Christian, which the Clintons and Obamas have done, does not make one a true Christian. 

Hitler won his popular election based largely upon his campaign slogans and posters pitting the Nazi party with it's promotion of "Positive Christianity"(point number 24 of the Nazi Party Platform) vs, the "Godless Communism". (From Yahoo Answers)

In almost every case of a dictatorship taking over a free nation, it has been accomplished by a minority of fanatic citizens who, through attacks, accusations and terror, forced their will upon the majority. You cannot miss seeing these same tactics being used today by the Left-wing of the party of Socialism, the Democrats. It is this very fact which elected Trump and won Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice. The half of America which has suddenly spontaneously exploded into a unified opposition to the Party which has promoted doing away with the Constitution, 58,586,256 abortions in the U.S. since Roe Vs Wade, homosexual marriages, legalizing illegal narcotics, a national equal income, ridicule of masculine men, and vicious hatred of those who disagree, are finally awakened from this horrible nightmare and they have come out fighting. 

Which side wins this battle for reality and integrity depends on which is the most committed and who will not retreat in the face of the irrational half of America who voted for the Clintons and Obama, and  most of whom do not even pay any Federal Income taxes.

"About 46.4 percent of U.S. households didn't pay federal income taxes."  https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../18/who-doesnt-pay-taxes-in-charts

"But wilt thou know, O vain man that faith without works is dead?" James 2:20

I believe the opposite is also true... "Works without faith is dead". So pray for America and work to stop the spiritually insane Left. RB

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