Nov 14, 2018

They Switched From "Nursing Homes" To "Become Young Again Centers"

Like "Global Warming" Switched To "Climate Change" When Their "Science" Broke Down And The "Globe" Cooled Off Again. 

These modern-day "Nursing Homes" ceased to be called "Nursing Homes" when it became obvious that most of them had neither competent "Nursing" nor anything resembling "Home". So most of them upgraded, not the care, but more  pleasurable sounding misnomers. The one below is about the average of the scores I  have visited, as a pastor, over many years. They have upgraded their names from "Nursing Home" to something like the one below ... which is, Northeast Atlanta Health and Rehabilitation Center.  Sounds like a wonderful place for us old people to go for a vacation or to be made healthy again or rehabilitated from our rapidly shorting lifespans. I guess that name is better than "Final Moments Memories", or "Last Stop Terminal", or maybe "Glory Days Launching Pad". Actually, this pseudo "Care" facility is no worse than 90% of the others. I have only seen a few that I would be content to spend my final days in, and those are usually much more expensive, but probably worth it, if you can afford it. The fact is, if you have a family member in any of them, you had better visit them often and with inquiry about everything you see wrong with the place. That keeps some of the "care" givers on their toes ... if they know you are going to show up today or tomorrow instead of once a month. It's human nature, or self preservation, for paid care givers to take better care of someones mother if her children are constantly observing the quality of her care. If unprofessional "professionals" are not checked often and held accountable they will slowly become less and less diligent. It is universal... one of the flaws of humanity, especially if they are only minimum wage and always looking for a better job... somewhere else. Am I being critical of most minimum wage nurses aids? Yes! I have seen a thousand of them, at the scene. The truth is still the truth unless you are a Politically Correct, entitlement Liberal. RB

This From FOX News
WWII Veteran Calls For Help And Dies 
As Nurses Laugh, Video Shows

A hidden video from 2014 showed nurses laughing as a World War II veteran repeatedly called for help and died while in their care.
The family of James Dempsey, 89, of Woodstock, Ga., hid a camera in the late veteran’s room in the Northeast Atlanta Health and Rehabilitation Center which captured the night he died.
Video link at bottom of page
The video showed the decorated WWII veteran repeatedly calling for help, saying he could not breathe. It also showed the nurses failing to take life-saving measures and laughing as they tried to start an oxygen machine.
Dempsey’s family sued the nursing home in 2014 following the veteran’s death. Dempsey's family declined to comment on the video, citing a settlement with the nursing home, WXIA-TV reported.
The nursing home’s attorneys attempted to stop media news outlet WXIA-TV from getting the video but a DeKalb County Judge ruled to unseal the footage.
The nurses, including a nursing supervisor, Wanda Nuckles, told Dempsey’s family lawyers in the deposition that when she learned the veteran had stopped breathing, she rushed to his room and took over CPR, keeping it up until paramedics, WXIA-TV reported.
However, the secret video showed that nobody was doing CPR when she arrived, and she did not start immediately. After the attorneys showed Nuckles the video, she told them it was an honest mistake, based on her normal reactions.
When the attorney’s asked what Nuckles was laughing, she said she did not remember.
WXIA-TV reported the nursing home was told of the video in 2015 but did not terminate the nurses until 10 months later. Nuckles and another nurse did not surrender their licenses until this September when the Georgia Board of Nursing was sent a link to the video by the news station.
Records showed the nursing home continued to have problems, including $813,000 in Medicare fines since 2015, WXIA-TV reported. It said the nursing home got a good inspection report in May, but still has Medicare's lowest score, a one-star rating. The nursing home was currently still open. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Here is the video ...

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