Dec 30, 2018

The Power Of Holy Focus On The Light Vs The Powers Of Darkness

Unholy distractions are Satan's tools ...

Compulsive, fleshly distractions are his sharpest weapons.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph.6:12

A sure way of missing the ball, striking out and losing the game is to keep your eye of the pitcher or first base or the bat or some girl, or boy, in the bleachers. Many a father has told his son or daughter, in a front yard ball game... "Keep your eye on the ball". Among equals, many a ball game has been won or lost by a single player who followed that rule or who, instead, glanced at the runner or the 300 pound tackle bearing down on him.... as the ball passed through his hands.
The same rule applies when shooting a target or an attacking enemy soldier. We must train ourselves to keep our minds  and our eyes focused on the target, on the important things, on the real things and not on trivia, lust, illusion, and distractions.... when we are in the battles of life. One distraction can change an entire battle... or life... or family, church or nation. Keep your eye on the "ball".
Biblical Focus!   "...To the place whither the head looked they followed it; they turned not as they went." Ezek.10:1
I was just thinking about the distractions of Satan, on the sidelines, like a clown, a ruckus, a beauty girl, or a screaming, fanatical fan of the other team. None of which is as important as keeping your eye on the ball through hell and high water. It is true in every life, every home, every church, every organization and every nation. Concentrate, focus on truth, facts, logic, goals, right purpose, the cause of Christ. Do not see people as fat, skinny, ugly, attractive, black or white, but as an eternal soul. Not on how their voice sounds or how they look, but on what they believe, what they do, where they will spend eternity. I confess, I do not like Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, and Mueller. Not because they are black, female, Gentile or Jew, but because they are tearing down the best country in the world which took 250 years of sacrifice, work and war to build. And it will never be the same again for our children and grandchildren. Their treasonous and evil actions are ruining the freedoms, the opportunities and the lives of millions of children, men, women, old people and motivated people of all races and both sexes. But, their humanity, their uniqueness, and their eternal souls, created in the image and likeness of God are not the problem, those are worth saving. But what they have made of themselves is not.

The real problem with the kind of people I named above is not their "flesh and blood". That is not what America is wrestling against, but it is the evil force of perversion and corruption which has infected their minds and hearts. All their destructive actions and forces of evil lead back to Lucifer who lost his light and beauty in heaven and simultaneously became darkness, was cast into earth and brought his darkness with him. He is the problem, as he has always been and he is our true enemy, not the puppet people he manipulates. Keep your eye on Christ's truth and justice and throw that ball straight through the devil's eye.
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.... Stand therefore...."  Eph.6:10-14

There comes to my memory something I read in "America's Nazi Secret, The Belarus Project" by John Loftus, in which he observed, many years ago, the secularist's view of one area of our national problems. He wrote...

"Well now I am past 60, and absolutely amazed at what goes on in our beloved country.  The level of corruption and and methods of manipulation are outrageous.  We are getting played - right, left and center.  Over forty years of research can be crystallized to reveal the means of control : a leviathan of three levels with three parts to each level. The top level is Mining-Metals-Money.  This operation (which includes all of our major mineral resources, especial the metals gold, and silver, used in wealth quantification) is held very-tight-to-the-vest, and its true dimensions, methods and transactions do not garner much discussion because they are seldom exposed.  It holds the reins on all the rest....
Everything on earth is manipulated or tainted or shadowed by the darkness of evil powers.

So where is the ball in that worldly game perceived by John Loftus above? He saw the problem but not the answer. It is in God's will as recorded in His word,   "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness...." Matt.6:33.     Keep your eye on that ball... 

"... Look up ... for your redemption draweth nigh." Luke 21:28
     Keep your eye on that ball...

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7.

Stand for truth, look to Jesus, and resist all else! RB

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