Jan 23, 2019

Shades of Gad ... "He Shall Overcome At The Last" Ezra, Gad, Trump ?

Has Military Commander And Chief 
found his own troops to build wall?

"Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last." Gen.49:19.

Army Corps Of Engineers would be cheapest, quickest way to build the wall. They have built more dams and walls than anyone.

This from 'I Love My Freedom'
Congress Finds Major Loophole To Built the 
Border Wall ... And Leave Dems In Shambles

Representative Mark Meadows, Republican of North Carolina has suggested a resolution for President Donald Trump that will leave Democrats in shamples

On Sunday, Meadows took to Twitter to suggest Trump and Republicans should use 10 USC 274/284, which would allow the construction of fencing without congressional approval.
“Democrats have made it extremely clear this shutdown is all about opposing Trump for them. It’s time to pursue other options. 10 USC 274/284 would allow for fence construction without national emergency. Protect our communities, build the wall, and forget unreasonable Democrats,” he wrote.
Below is a description of the law that Meadows referred to:
(a) The Secretary of Defense may, in accordance with other applicable law, make Department of Defense personnel available for the maintenance of equipment for Federal, State, and local civilian law enforcement officials, including equipment made available under section 372 [1] of this title.
(1) Subject to paragraph (2) and in accordance with other applicable law, the Secretary of Defense may, upon request from the head of a Federal law enforcement agency, make Department of Defense personnel available to operate equipment (including equipment made available under section 372 1 of this title) with respect to—
(A) a criminal violation of a provision of law specified in paragraph (4)(A);
(B) assistance that such agency is authorized to furnish to a State, local, or foreign government which is involved in the enforcement of similar laws;
(C) a foreign or domestic counter-terrorism operation; or
(D) a rendition of a suspected terrorist from a foreign country to the United States to stand trial.

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