Feb 21, 2019

So What Is Jussie Smollett's Problem?

Typical Democrat ... Adolescent adult, perpetual fantasizer, professional pretender, narcissistic my me mine glutton. In two words, he is a lost soul. That is his problem. So is there any hope for such as he? Yes, there is a miracle working God who so loves every lost soul that He gave his Son Jesus to die in Jussie's place, for all his sins. The second question is the determining factor. Will Jussie escape his inner demons long enough to look up to God, sincerely repent of the sinful mess he has made of his life and accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior? It is doubtful ... but it is possible.  Consider the Apostle Paul. A hopeless case whose eyes were finally opened. Actually we were all hopeless cases ... but for Jesus. RB

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