Jul 18, 2019

Crystal Cathedral Becomes $132 Million Catholic Church

Robert Schuller's legacy... but he didn't realize he was building a Catholic Shrine.

The Crystal Cathedral, where else but in California, was sold, after his death, to the Roman Catholics for $60,000,000 and then renovated by its new owners for another opulently, lavish $72,300,000  for a total of $132,000,000. I have to wonder what the Pope, who has criticized Trump and America for not taking better care of all those homeless people in L.A. and San Francisco, was thinking. Even his Rome home has increasing numbers of homeless people living amidst the roaches, rats, and trash heaps in her streets. So where is his holiness sitting upon his throne? Vatican City is In the heart of Rome.

So the pseudo, Eternal City, though nowhere near Eternal, can still pay $132 Million for a showy glass house of worship??

Her certain judgment is scheduled:
"For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And (they) cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!" Rom. 18:17-18.
After a two-year, $72.3 million renovation, the famous Crystal Cathedral in Southern California reopened its doors Wednesday as a Roman Catholic church -- now called Christ Cathedral.
For years the ornate glass church in Garden Grove, south of Los Angeles, was the setting for the late Rev. Robert H. Schuller’s weekly "Hour of Power" televised sermons.
But after Schuller retired, his Crystal Cathedral ministry suffered financial problems and was forced to sell the iconic structure, which was completed in 1981. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange eventually purchased the church for $60 million in 2011, four years before Schuller died at age 88, KABC-TV of Los Angeles reported.
Now with the renovation complete, the Diocese hopes to make the cathedral a focal point for its spiritual mission.
“The cathedral stands as a physical sign of unity of the 62 parishes in the Diocese of Orange,” the Rev. Christopher Smith, rector and episcopal vicar of the church, told the Los Angeles Times.
The renovations incorporate important Catholic iconography, including a 1,000-pound crucifix and a cross-shaped baptismal pool. Relics from several Catholic martyrs and Pope John Paul II are also encased in the altar, according to the Times. (Reported by FOX News)
The Rev. Robert Schuller, founder of the " Hour Of Power" television show and builder of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Calif., died at age 88 in 2015. (Getty Images)
All things are fuel for the final earthly fire, except the eternal souls of people ... which exist forever ... somewhere.  Those souls are our mission.

"Jesus, who rode into Jerusalem, not on a horse, camel or Cadillac, but on a donkey,  said,    "If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?" John 3:12.

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