Jul 27, 2019

If I Were A Dem In A Crowded Theater Watching "Firebug

Collusion And Obstruction", fell asleep, and woke up 

to a house afire on the big screen, and I was screaming "FIRE, FIRE, Collusion and Obstruction" … and the entire crowd jumped to their feet looking for flames or smoke, and saw none, how embarrassed would I be? I would quietly slip through the nearest exit and hope no one recognized me as I ran through back alleys home, leave the lights off, lock the doors,  pull the covers over my head and tell myself how stupid I am. I would confess my evil Party Affiliation to God and promise Him I would never again be led astray by lying, greedy, confiscating Socialists, abortionists and false accusers. That is how repentant I would be …. RB

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