Aug 27, 2019

Investing Your Savings In Today's Fake News World

A quote from the investing link below:
"When you are younger and new to investing, you want to believe the authorities, rating agencies, government statistics etc but as you grow older you realize that they all lie and everything is phoney. This realization alone will make you look at places where no one is looking and help in developing the courage to acquire the things that everyone has brushed aside."  Tony Deden, Common Sense wealth manager.
My Comment on the quote:
Or, a possible other option is that some of those described above are not liars, but are caught up in the present web of global fakery only recognized by the wise few.  Suffering from delusion does not make one a liar. But the fakery is a fact which every aspect of today's world, internationally, nationally, finance, business, education, stock markets, news networks ... and even religion is entangled with. In other words, some are simply, totally brainwashed, and think they are rightly advising clients when they are wrongly doing so.
The others fit the description Toney gives them in his quote... "liars".             
"Let God be true, but every man a liar...." Rom.3:4

In investing, as in every other worthwhile endeavor, there is no substitute for knowledge and experience. Don't buy into something you know nothing about, whoever is sellitn it. RB

Set aside 90 minutes to watch this video (You can 'Skip' the ads).

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