Oct 9, 2019

Swans or Buzzards .... Birds Of A Feather Still Flock Together

 Some to the right.... Some to the left. 

I don't know why Lesbian, Hollywood Liberal,  Ellen DeGeneres' Lesbian, Hollywood Liberal friends object to her sitting with Left-winger, RINO, George Bush. They all have similar political and social beliefs and they all hate President Trump and think all of us Conservative, Right to Life, patriots, who support him, are stupid. 
When George's brother lost to Trump, that was all it took for him to let his true left-wing beliefs show....and they don't include being friends with Trump, or even sitting next to him.
Our politically incorrect forefathers had a defining apropos for this kind of dividing line. They explained it …. "Birds of a feather flock together".  That be true whether it is swans flying this way to a refreshing pool of water .... or buzzards flying that away for their next "free for all" meal. There is little hope they will ever be close friends or share a carcass together. 

I was very impressed this week when Trump's arch critic, John McCain's daughter, Megan, scolded Susan Rice for the mess she and Obama made of Syria, and defended Trump's Syria moves as not so bad. Sounds like Megan has boarded the Trump train for D.C. Her words were, "How can you criticize Trump ?" Megan, however, is critical of Trump for pulling out of Syria. RB

Meghan McCain clashes with Susan Rice over Obama's Syria legacy

Daytime talk show host Ellen DeGeneres took a stand against the Twitter mob after receiving backlash for appearing at a football game next to former President George W. Bush, whom she calls a "friend."
During her monologue on Monday, DeGeneres told the audience that she and Portia de Rossi were invited to a Dallas Cowboys game by Charlotte Jones, daughter of Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. She was seen in the suite sitting next to Bush and former first lady Laura Bush.
"When we were invited, I was aware that I was going to be surrounded with people from very different views and beliefs. And I'm not talking about politics... I was rooting for the Packers," DeGeneres joked. "So I had to hide my cheese hat in Portia's purse." However, DeGeneres faced heavy criticism on social media for appearing alongside Bush. "People were upset," DeGeneres said. "They thought, why is a gay Hollywood liberal sitting next to a conservative Republican president.
And yes, a picture is worth a thousand words. RB

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