May 27, 2020

Globalization: Covid 19 Quarantine May Give A Reprieve For US

From global domination by China.

Their 30 year "single child per family" limit, accompanied by mass, forced abortions, has caused even China to open up to emigrants. It is also forcing them to create two global roads, one by land and another by sea. By which they hope to gain global dominance over America, in a globalized world, with them at its center supplying loans, medicines, rare earths, and endless products.                      

Since Lucifer's  attempt to create his own universal kingdom, and replace God, but was cast out and  quarantined to this far flung global island called Earth, there have been dozens of other failed attempts. From the Ninevite's  "One nation of Common Language" and Tower to heaven, to the Babylonians, Persians, Romans and Communists, they have all failed except the Communists who are still trying, in China, and among their comrades infesting the U.S. and worldwide. The European Common Market attempt, under a Socialist banner and a disguised Communist philosophy, is gasping, but still struggling to survive through economic artificial respiration.  It will lose two or three nations, which didn't fit anyway, but will continue to fulfill prophecy.  The U.S. may be through with Globalization, as Trump says below, for now, but I don't think Europe is. And birth statistics there show it will become Muslim controlled in a very few years.  This due to abortion of native European babies and copious Muslim births.  Can you comprehend a Muslim Europe? Abortion has become the single greatest detriment to deteriorating of nations' tax base, including Europe, China, and the United States. In some it has caused a shortage in the workforce and therefore increasing  emigration with its problems.  Globalization is not over, it is just shifting gears. RB

From AMAC - Association Of Mature American Citizens
Trump Says Pandemic Shows 
Era Of Globalization Is Over

President Donald Trump said virus-related disruption to supply chains has exposed the vulnerability of America’s reliance on sources in foreign countries, adding that he believes that the days of “globalists” have come to an end
Trump made the remarks in an interview with Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo that aired Thursday.
“It’s all going to be back together,” Trump said hopefully, replying to a question about how long international travel restrictions would remain in place to prevent further spread of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, the novel coronavirus that emerged from China last year and causes the disease COVID-19.
“In many ways, we’ve learned a lot. And we’re going to bring back manufacturing that we could never have done without this, as bad as this has been,” Trump said, referring to the push for re-shoring of key supply chains after the pandemic-driven surge in demand for medical supplies like personal protective equipment and ventilators was met with dramatic shortages of the mostly foreign-made gear.
“They become embedded, it’s almost like it becomes a way of life,” Trump said of the entrenched business interests of who he would later in the interview refer to as “globalists.”
“It’s about our country, it’s not about the world, we have to fix our country,” Trump said of some of the lessons the pandemic has delivered to supply chain design.
The president said while America aspires to leadership on the world stage, it must not come at the expense of domestic interests.
“Years ago, we made our product, we didn’t rely on everybody in the world,” he said, adding, “they’re globalists. They’re people that think we have to make the world wealthy at our expense.”
“Those days are over,” Trump said, adding, “and if nothing else, over the last two months, it’s been proven to be right.”
Responding to a question about evidence members of Trump’s administration claim to have seen linking the virus to a virology lab in Wuhan, the president placed responsibility for the outbreak on the Chinese regime, but stopped short of accusing them of intentionally allowing the deadly bug to spread.
“They made a decision to allow it to escape its borders?” Bartiromo asked.“
I don’t know if they made the decision, but it got out of control,” Trump said. “More likely it got out of control.”
Trump said the pandemic highlights the vulnerabilities of globalized supply chains.
“And one little piece of the world goes bad and the whole thing is messed up,” Trump said, referring to the outbreak.
“We should have them all in the United States,” Trump said of key supply chains.
Asked if this was a realistic objective to bring key manufacturing to America, Trump said he believed it was. “We’re doing it because I’m changing all those policies.”
One possible measure to get companies to re-shore is through trade barriers, Trump said, and another is taxes.
“One incentive, frankly, is to charge tax for them when they make product outside,” Trump said.
Trump’s comments came before he traveled to Allentown, Pennsylvania, Thursday to highlight a U.S. medical equipment distributor that is contributing to the effort to manufacture and ship personal protective gear across the country to help with the response to COVID-19.
Trump will tour Owens and Minor Inc., which the White House says has sent millions of N95 masks, surgical gowns, and gloves to hospitals across the country.
Trump is expected to discuss efforts to use the Strategic National Stockpile for coronavirus testing, as well as efforts to “replenish and bolster the stockpile so that America is never caught off guard again,” the White House said. Reprinted with Permission from - Epoch Times by - Tom Ozimek. END  __________________
My Comment:   Read Wikipedia on China's ongoing plan to finance and build a restored New Silk Road for International trade and world unity and development .... here ...

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