Jun 15, 2020

Every Crisis And Disaster Creates Opportunity

They are like unsavory fertilizer to a vegetable garden 
Charles Mackay , 1800's intellect, wrote that “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” happen with regular intervals. It seems that the world experiences more delusions and madness than truth and sanity. "Men", he said, "think in herds; It will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one."  Mackay's pronouncement is seen with double clarity in today's America.

Disaster brings with it fear, deadly reactions, chaos, and emotional imbalance and caches them wherever faith is weak.  There are evil men who light the fuse of disaster for others as long as it does not harm them Nobody enjoys suffering, danger and loss, even the most faithful.  But for them, at least,      "All things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose."  Rom.8:28.      History and the Bible prove this to be true. Even the disaster of the flood, that drown every unbeliever on earth as it arose over their heads and the highest mountains, deeper and deeper, while lifting up and up those eight faithful souls in the ark and delivered them to  safety, life and new opportunities. 

Even when God's people were defeated and enslaved in Babylonian captivity, they were delivered, with a restored Temple, all paid for, and were a more grateful, spiritual people with new opportunity.

"But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you". 1 Pet.5:10.

Miracle of miracles, Christ's Church grew from 20 believers, in the Upper Room, to nearly a third of Earth's people who profess to be Christians.  Even if only half or those are truly saved, that would equal over a billion souls, not counting an accumulation of church buildings, universities, and store of resources into the $Trillions. That is quite a blessing from 20 believers in a borrowed upper room.  The only real "good" in that "increase" is true redemption and faithful service, which is enormous. All of this arose from the ashes of persecution, suffering and death.     "after you have suffered a while".

To bring it up to date, even the Civil War, in which more Americans were killed than American deaths in both World Wars, turned America on to a century of development.... Elimination of slavery, professional doctors and nurses, industry expanded 700%, and new medicines discovered. 400,000 new patents were filed in the next 40 years and a rail road was soon laid across this entire continent.  The nation zoomed into the industrial age. 

My main point in this blog post on disaster, is that opportunity arises out of the worst of tragedies, including those which have fallen upon our nation recently.  The nearly 4 years of attacks, lies and hate exhibited by the Left-Wing Socialist, One Worlder herd who violate the Constitution and Rule of Law. That, and this World-wide pandemic, plus the greatest Reversal of financial and economic wealth lost, in American history. Also, plus a massive 178 $Trillion Federal Debt and unfunded liabilities. Add to that the flood of false accusations of systemic racism, by Democrats, the Liberal News Media, and a host of multinational CEO's, resulting in riots, burnings, mass looting and hateful murder of police officers.  The fact is, that though all of this flock of black swans have swooped in upon us simultaneously, Romans 8:28 is still true and still in effect today.  

"All things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose."       

Even the Devil has his own version of getting his evil desires accomplished in the midst of crisis and disaster. As Democrat Rahm Emanuel put it .... 

“Never allow a good crisis go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do the things you once thought were impossible.”

So, rise above the flood of destruction, trust it all into the hands of God, and rest in Him.  Pray, Stand Up, Speak Out, and Vote Right Nov.3.  Study the world situation, the certain changes, and new opportunities. Things are going to get better even if it is after they get worse. Christ is going to win and already has. We, His people, are also going to win even if it seems hopeless and even if our only prize is resurrection from the dead and assention into Heaven to live and rejoice with Christ for ever after.  That is enough.

Remember, All things work together for our Good and God's calling and purpose.  "All things"!  These disasters included.  RB

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