Jul 10, 2020

God Has A Holy, Successful ,Trail Of Life For Every Receptive Soul

Our part is to listen and stay on track.

The Appalachin Trail winds through 14 states, as it weaves its way 2200 miles, from Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mount Katahdin, Maine. It climbs hundreds of mountains and crosses as many valleys on its way from one terminus to the other. Whether you are backpacking north or south, you have a beginning point and an ending place with endless pain and even more joy in between. It is a rocky, difficult, but glorious path to follow. If you hike this trail from start to finish, you do not choose where it takes you. You will walk where the path is going, not where you might prefer to go. There are exits where you can quit the trail and seek an easier place to walk. A more comfortable, enclosed place to shower and sleep, and be safe .... but with no sky, no aroma of rhododendron, no startling views, and no nurturing communication with Mother Earth and Mother Nature. You may even walk against a 60 mph wind on Rocky Top, Tennessee and converse with a bear up there, as well. And your load may be heavy, but the Spirit of God's creation strengthens and sustains you to finish your destined course where it leads you. You may set daily goals, but your next stop is where the predestined trail runs through it. But you are not compelled to stay on the trail or to continue to its certain destination, and may choose your own goal and destination .... somewhere else, but your "dream" goal will not be that final, high mountain at the end of the trail you started out on to walk His way.

And so it is with the path and destination God has set and determined for us to walk as we traverse this earth from the crib to the casket. God has a way for us to walk and a final mountain for us to climb, but we must walk it by choice with conviction and joy. It is not compulsory; we must seek it as our way to go, as Jesus said on the cross.

"O my father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." Matt.26:39.

And as God commanded all His people from the very beginning .... 

 "Ye shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess." Deut.5:33.       And only God knows for sure our appointed path in the land he has given us to possess, how, when and where that path may lead.

But how can we know our appointed land and path, the how when and where it entrance, its direction and its terminus ?

God does not have to speak audibly for us to hear Him. He speaks to our heart, as if behind us, and will let us know all we need to know today, and the rest must be accepted by faith, like the manna came down fresh each day, one day at a time. We may have hopes and plans and goals and dreams, but with all that, God's way is seldom visible too far in advance. Like the Appalachian Trail, we keep being surprised and blessed all along the way, but we do know our final mountain destination.

"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left." Isa.30:21.

If you have made your life's goals and the trails you will walk without consulting with God's plans for you, and his will for your walk, you should stop and seek his directions for you to do and way to walk today and tomorrow. Then seek his will every day afterward til you arrive at your heavenly Mount Katahdin.

"But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you." Jer.7:23.

God's plans are above every man's
His way is fresh and new every day
His trail leads to glory without fail
His will is now and ever a holy thrill

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