Oct 31, 2021

One Of The Truist Preachers ... But Without Fame

Pastor Craig Conner.

He probably has a Doctorate Degree, earned in college or granted by accomplishment, but he never uses it as an address or to impress. Neither did Jesus who was our Creator (Jn.1:3), Lord and Master who also had all knowledge and unexcelled accomplishment, but "made Himself of no reputation". Phil.2:7.  Brother Conner is Pastor of First Baptist Church in Panama City, Florida where they still sing the great old hymns and he quotes  constant scriptural references to everything he says. 

The church has younger people, of course, but by far, it is filled with older people who retired there, or moved there to sit under his preaching of God's word, and sing the hymns inspired by it.  Some probably stay there, in spite of threat of hurricains, to hear Pastor Connor.

You might want to tune him in Sunday mornings, if you don't have a church, or listen to some if his many sermons archived at the site. 
You will find it here:

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