Nov 23, 2021

If A Free Press Lies, Peace Dies And Freedom Of Speech Must Arise

From the ashes of our cities .... armed.

On December 15, 1791, the new United States of America ratified the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, confirming the fundamental rights of its citizens. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, and the press, and the rights of peaceful assembly and petition of our grievances against a predatory government.

Our "freedom of speech" in this country is one of the primary reasons we have remained free of a tyrannical government for these 230 years.  But, now, the predominance of Social Media and Main Street Media, under the guise of a free press, is stamping out the 
Constitution's guarantee of freedom of speech of those they disagree with.  We must not allow it to happen or we will become slaves.  Kyle Rittenhouse was on the street, armed, to protect his city's businesses against the luters and burners and was attacked by them as the videos clearly show. But he was unjustly accused by the press and social media of being the attacker.  The jury found him 100% innocent based on the filmed facts, but the media still clings to its lies in an alliance with Communism.

The following is from Parler, which has arisen for Patriots, as a place to go for discussion, in the place of Twitter and Facebook. RB

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